Killian Road Baptist Church Cemetery Confederate Soldiers Monume

A partial list of soldiers enlisted from this community 1861 ~ 1865 Confederate States of America

Wess Abbott; W. B. Cooper; Wess Cooper; Elihu Davis; Thos. Dent; Robt. Fann; R.W. Fann; Henry Faust; Chas. Grimsley; Ervin Grimsley; Albert Hammond; Pat Hammond; John Hawkins; Isaiah Jones; Jas. Jones; Nelson Jones; John Killian; Frank Koon; Dan LeGrand; John LeGrand; Wade LeGrand; (3) Marrow Bros.; Wm. Moore; Dan Rabon; John Rabon; Jes Rose; John Rose; Wyatt Rose; Lee Sharpe; Mike Sharpe; Capt. Wm. Sligh; Capt. Bill Stack; Wade Swygart; Jes Thomas; John Thomas; Shade Thomas; John Thornton I; John Thornton II; Marion Thornton; Perry Thornton; P.H. Thornton; Thur Thornton; Enos Wallace; Henry Wallace; Allen Watts; Henry Watts; Jas. Watts; Wm. Watts; Dave Welch; Jeff Welch; Robt. Weskert; (3) Williamson Bros.

Donated by Lawrence M. Wooten

Lewis T. O., S. C., April 10, 1936

Marker is on Killian Baptist Cemetery Road, on the right when traveling south.


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