Kings Mountain Battlefild Trail

If you follow the trail to your left, you will circle the base of Kings Mountain, as gathering patriot forces did on the afternoon of October 7, 1780. The path climbs to a rock-strewn ridge line which was defended by more than 1,000 American loyalists, under the command of one British officer, Major Patrick Ferguson. The fighting tree-to-tree was sharp and short-lasting only one hour, about the time you may spend walking. At the end, both Ferguson and British hopes for a quick victory in the South were dead.

Battlefield Trail

• Trail is paved, 1.5 miles round-trip

• Allow one hour to walk.

• Moderate to steep grades

• Use wheelchairs or strollers with caution

• Please stay on trails to prevent erosion.

• Relic hunting or damaging resources is prohibited. Report any suspicious behavior to a ranger.

Marker can be reached from Kings Mountain Park Road, on the right when traveling east.


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