Kittrell Confederate Cemetery

Hospital to Graveyard

Fifty-four Confederate soldiers from Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia are buried here. They died at General Hospital Number One, Kittrell Springs in the former Kittrell Springs Hotel owned by Maj. Charles C. Blacknall and his brother. The resort was converted into a hospital in mid-1864 to treat casualties of the fighting around Petersburg, Virginia. Confederate authorities chose Kittrell for the small, 300-bed hospital because of its location at a railroad junction. Hundreds of wounded received treatment there between June 1864 and April 1865. Some were teenaged youths in the North Carolina Junior Reserves; 14 died at the hospital between August 1, 1864, and April 15, 1865, and are buried here. The site for the cemetery was selected because of its proximity to the hospital.

Saint James Episcopal Church, the only church in Kittrell during the war, was erected just east of the hotel shortly before the war. The Rev. Matthias M. Marshall ministered to the sick and dying at the hospital and officiated at the soldiers’ funerals, which were held at the church. The men’s names, ranks, companies, addresses, types of illness, dates of admission, and times of death are recorded in the church’s official records. Kittrell Confederate Cemetery is owned and maintained by Vance County Chapter No. 142, United Daughters of the Confederacy.


Roster, Kittrell Confederate Cemetery

Pvt. Walter G. Bagnall, 13th Va. Cav • Pvt. John C. Barnes, 5th S.C. Cav. • Pvt. Paul A.. Barringer, 1st N.C. Cav. • Pvt. W. A. Beaver, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. Hugh W. Brown, Co. A, 26th S.C. Inf. • Pvt. William Brown, 35th Va. Cav. • Pvt. Thomas A. Bryson, 25th N.C. Inf. • Pvt. J.C. Corzine, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. W.A. Dixon, 24th Inf. • Sgt. Fendell C. Donella, 11th Va. Inf. • Pvt. J.A. Earnhart, 1st N.C. Cav. • Pvt. J.T. Edwards, 5th N.C. Cav. • Pvt. James Eley, 68th N.C. Troops • Pvt. E.C. Elliott, 1st N.C. Cav. • Pvt. Marmaduke Gay, Anderson’s N.C. Res. • Pvt. L.J. Gilstrap, 6th S.C. Cav. • Pvt. J.H. Givins, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. Gordan, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. Larken M. Green, 56th N.C. Inf. • Pvt. William D. Gregorie, 3rd S.C. Cav. • Pvt. Alexis Griffin, 6th N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. E.M. Hamrick, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. Wesley Hargrove, 5th N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. Moses L. Headrick, 1st N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. Lindsay L. Henderson, 33rd N.C. Cav. • Pvt. J.I. Howell, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. T. Jones, 68th N.C. Troops • Pvt. William B. Kennedy, 1st N.C. Cav. • Pvt. J.L. Lenair, 7th Ga. Cav. • Pvt. William W. Latham, 6th S.C. Cav. • Pvt. John Locklair, 23rd S.C. Inf. • Sgt. James T. McDow, 4th S.C. Cav. • Pvt. Josiah S. Mimms, 11th S.C. Inf. • Pvt. H.P. Privatt, 3rd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. William H. Pruitt, 1st N.C. Cav. • Pvt. M.A. Riddick, 5th N.C. Cav. • Pvt. William A. Roach, Hane’s Light Dutymen • Pvt. J.A. Robbins, 51st N.C. Inf. • Pvt. W. Robertson, Hart’s S.C. Battery • Pvt. R.H. Robinson, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. S.B. Robinson, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. L.E. Saunders, 2nd N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. E. or J. Stark, 67th N.C. Inf. • Pvt. W. Sutton, 56th N.C. Inf. • Pvt. R.P. Sutton, 56th N.C. Inf. • Pvt. R.P. Todd, 68th N.C. Troops • Pvt. Thomas J. Tuttero, 10 Va. Cav. • Pvt. J.C. Wagner, 1st N.C. Jr. Res. • Pvt. C. Watson, 27th S.C. Inf. • Pvt. J.M. West, 10th N.C. Heavy Arty. • Sgt. Henry Williams, 2nd N.C. Cav. • 4 Unknowns

From Mark J. Crawford, Confederate Courage on Other Fields (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2000), pages 167-71.

Marker is on West Chavis Road, on the left when traveling east.


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