Knox County (Indiana) Gold Star Honor Roll

Spanish American War, World War I, World War II,

Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm

Following the American Civil War, the United States emergence on the World scene was profound, if not inevitable.

The citizens of Knox County have been summoned on numerous occasions to answer their country’s need to fill the ranks of its armed services in conflicts throughout the world. These monuments before you are dedicated to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the hope and belief that the basic rights and freedoms outlined in the fundamental documents depicted here would be preserved and enjoyed by all citizens.

Many others have also died in times of peace in the service to this nation. Soldiering is inherently dangerous, be at war or peace. We honor them as well.

[Stone Memorial #1]:

Spanish American War

Charles D. McCoy

World War I

[Column One]:

William C. Abraham • Forrest A. Alton • Noble C. Baker • Chauncy W. Barr • John R. Barr • Andrew J. Bennett • Lawrence W. Bouchie • Rex R. Boyer • Ellis P. Cannon • James A. Catt • George W. Clark • Francis B. Cockerham • Reuben D. Cooper • Gilbert W. Cox • John J. Deischer • Herbert E. Donnoe • Cecil H. Ehlers • Ralph G. Elliott • David B. England • Joseph D. Ferguson • Cecil Frederick • Donald Frederick • Alexander Givens • Claudius Harrell • Harry J. Henry • Clarence Hinchman • Walter H. Hoffman • Frank Hollingsworth • Christian Howder • Charles F. Hummel • Isaac F. Hoopingarner

[Column Two]:

Royal Jacobus • Harry F. Johnson • Charles W. Jones • John E. Kardokus • Charles H. Karns • Fred Kelso • Robert Kixmiller • Henry H. A. Limper • William E. McAndrews • Jerry McCoy • Frank J. Mattingly • Donald J. Miller • John T. Miller • Walter R. Polk • Lee E. Pry • Elmer Pulliam • George O. Richards • Alonzo Robinson • Charles M. Robinson • William E. Rodarmel • Leslie Selby • Wayne H. Smith • James T. Snider • Escoe L. Soden • Howard M. Tryon • Raymond Utley • Horace L. Vanable • Bryant F. Van Kirk • James R. Wall • Ellis O. Westfall

[Stone Memorial #2]:

World War II

[Column one]:

Henry Ackerman • Conrad Y. Adams • William A. Adams • Harold M. Adkins • Louis L. Agee • George D. Baker • Robert P. Bell • Harry N. Bicknell • Perry J. Biggs • Wilson D. Bills • Clars E. Bilskie • Edward G. Bough • Willis J. Bovenschen • George W. Brookhart • William D. Brown, Jr. • David Bullukian • John Bunch • Walter B. Butler • Orville Byrd, Jr. • John F. Casey • Harvey L. Cisel • Charles R. Clinkerbeard • Harold L. Collins • Wilburn L. Collins • Harold J. Cook • Dennis P. Coonrod • Ival Cooper • Leonard Cooper • Orville Cooper • George A. Crock • Robert E. Cross • Albert M. Davidson • Joseph A. Dawson • Leroy Decker • Kenneth Duncan • Richard J. Dunn • Virgil L. Eikenberry • Gilbert Ellerman • Ora C. Ellis • Leo B. Erexson • Maynard Evans • Robert V. Everett • Richard Filcock • Thomas Fish • Harry L. Fraker • James W. Fravel • Leo W. Fredericks • Rush B. Freeman • Valentine G. Frisz, Jr. • William R. Gardner

[Column Two]:

Cecil Gayer • John P. George • James R. Gill, Jr. • Richard L. Goodman • Robert E. Goodman • Gerald Goodrid • Gilbert Gray • Donald R. Green • Charles Gridner • Charles E. Haag • Elmer Hagemeier • James A. Hall • Earl F. Harper • Charles H. Harris • J. Gordon Harris • Glenn E. Hart • Bill G. Hartley • Loren J. Hartley • Dewey R. Hartsburg • Donald Hatfield • Lowell Hawkins • Richard A. Hebert • Max A. Helderman • Stanley Henderson • Noble Hoffman, Jr. • Alfred D. Holloman • David Holzkamper • Earl Hooper • Vernon E. Houchins • Gilbert W. Hunter • Ralph N. Hunter • Ralph J. Hurst • Alvin E. Jackson • William Jacobs • Henry F. Jaussaud • Richard Johnson • Lester Joseph, Jr. • Ralph L. Joyce • Robert M. Kendall • Raymond G. Kirk • Robert E. Kimberly • Marion E. Kohlhouse • Karl H. Kreimer • Walter Kurczak • Carl Lambe • Jefferson Laslie • John W. Laslie • James H. Lawence • Carl E. Lee • Charles C. Lewis

[Memorial Stone #3]:

World War II

[Column One]:

Don Lueking • Erwin R. Lear • Calvin E. Leffler • Charles Luenebrink • George W. Lytel • Elmer L. Malott • John H. Martindale • Maurice E. Messel • Ruel H. Miller • Carl W. Moore • Darrel E. Morrison • Carl E. Myer • Walter P. McKinley, Jr. • Jesse W. McCord, Jr. • James D. McDowell • David H. Neighbors • Oskar P. Dexmann • Robert H. Offutt • Joseph E. Ostendorf • Robert Y. Osterhage • Bernice E. Page • Robert H. Page • Keith R. Peachee • Aaron W. Perry • John A. Phipps, Jr. • Boyd E. Pitcher • Harold E. Pielemeier • Charles Porter • Mark E. Powers • James W. Prather, Jr. • George B. Pruett • Claude Rebold • Robert C. Rebstock • Floyd A. Reel • Mack Reel • George R. Rego • Stanley G. Resler • Ernest Reynolds • Jesse Richards, Jr. • George Risley, Jr. • Dewey Roach • Hubert R. Roark • Earl M. Rodgers • William M. Roe • Earl Rogers • Thomas C. Rose • Conrad E. Russell • Everett J. Sanders • Robert L. Sanders • Bert G. Sauls

[Column Two]:

George D. Schaffer • Max A. Schlomer • Albert R. Schnuck • James O. Schultheis • Leo L. Schultz • Buddy G. Shepherd • Richard Silock • Vincent E. Singer • Mack J. Sinnett • Charles C. Small • Austin J. Small • Kenneth L. Smith • William M. Smith • Eugene Snyder • Arthur E. Snyder, Jr. • Royal R. Snyder • Hubert C. Sommer • Norman R. Sparrow • Donald M. Stangle • Ellis R. Strange • Fred L. Stalcup • Charles E. Steinsberger • Kenneth L. Stinnett • Marvin R. Stroud • Glenn L. Sullivan • Porter B. Summers • Ferdinand R. Swan • Charles C. Taylor, Jr. • Francis L. Taylor • Edward C. Theobald • Hugh Thompson • John J. Tincher, Jr. • John N. Vachet • Norman D. VanMetre • Karl L. Volle • Warren J. Wade • Martin F. Wagner • Ralph G. Wallem • Joseph H. Warder • Robert E. Wheatley • Howard C. Wheatley • Robert L. Whitesitt • John H. Williams, Jr. • Norman E. Wilson • Robert L. Wise • Claude C. Winkler, Jr. • Ernest J. Wright • Robert V. Young

[Memorial Stone # 4]:

Korean War

[Column One]:

Ralph A. Bond • Joseph B. Bouchie • Delbert Chansler, Jr. • Edward L. Cole • Paul W. Deckard • Jack L. Dickman • James R. Dunn • Robert B. Edwards • Henry E. Evans • Dwaine E. Fields • Leslie V. Gremore • Wilson J. Hankins • Delmer F. Held • Richard G. Inman

[Column Two]:

Elmer H. Johnson • Virgil M. Lee • Everett W. Leffler • Harvey E. Like • Lawrence M. Liston • David J. McCord • Roy E. Pruitt • Frederick E. Pry • Charles R. Sapp • Robert Scott • Jerald L. Sheldon • Vernon W. Snow • Thomas Tapley

Vietnam War

[Column One]:

James A. Bailey • James W. Bedell • Arnold R. Benton • Louis W. Branch • Joseph B. Brittain • David A. Cooper • Joseph M. Cornelison • Charles A. Covey • Michael R. Day • Michael E. Dent • Floyd E. Doades • John A. Grabbe • Dick D. Hamilton • James E. Haynes • Lloyd L. Heath

[Column Two]:

Billy W. Hedge • Thomas A. Higgins • Robert M. Kail • William D. McAllister • Gary C. McFetridge • Robert F. Owens • Jerry E. Pry • Michael E. Rains • Royse W. Rehwald • Steven R. Renner • William D. Robbins • Robert J. Rose • Bruce E. Strate • Terry M. Ward

Desert Storm

Jeffrey D. Reel

Marker is at the intersection of North 7th Street and Broadway Street, on the right when traveling north on North 7th Street.


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