Korean Veterans Memorial Plaza

Dedicated to the memory and honor of those men from Holyoke who gave their lives in the Korean Conflict


Norman Brissette • William G. Carroll • Anthony J. Castro • Roland V. Charpentier • Richard F. Donoghue • Roland J. Dostie • Robert O. Fountain • Harry Fournier • Gerald J. Gagne • Frank M. Geraghty • Jules Hauterman, Jr. • Harold J. Kane • Roland E. LaFleur • James R. Law • Ferdinand J. McClure, Jr. • Martin R. Narey • James C. Reynolds • Edward H. Seavey • William J. Shaughnessy • Christopher H. Slater • James M. Sullivan • Harlan E. Talley • Arthur J. Thibault

Marker is on Hampden Street west of Maple Street, on the left when traveling west.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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