Korean War

"The Forgotten War"

(West face)

In Honor of the Men and Women

Who Served in the Armed Forces of

The United States During the Period

June 1950 to July 1953

   On 25 June 1950 the army of communist North Korea,

The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Army (DPRK)

invaded the Republic of South Korea. Prompt military

action by the United States Army and Marine Divisions,

despite limited supplies, stopped the North Korean

advance in a defensive line known as the Pusan Perimeter

that ran south and east of the Naktong River. A

subsequent United States assault on North Korea toward

the Yalu River led to Communist Chinese involvement in

the war and combined United Nations forces retreated

as they faced a new and determined enemy.

   By March 1951 the Korean War had become a stalemate.

With both sides suffering heavy casualties fighting to

gain control of individual hills in the rugged terrain

near the 38th parallel. Cease fire talks began in 1951

but not until 27 July 1953 did negotiations re-establish

the line of demarcation between North and South Korea

along the 38th parallel with a 4000 meter wide

demilitarized zone separating the former combatants.

   The United States continues to maintain a military

presence in South Korea.


During the Korean War 54, 246 American Service Men and

women sacrificed their lives with an additional 105,000 casualties.

This first military confrontation of the Cold War had remained a

limited war without using nuclear weapons. The United States had

successfully contained communism. Over the next three decades under United

States influence, South Korea evolved from an authoritarian government into

fully democratic, economically successful nation.

(South face)

The Battles

Chipyongni               Pusan Perimeter

Choncchon River    Pyongyang

Chosin Reservoir    Seoul

Hagaru                       Sudong

Hungnam                  Toksan Dam

Inchon                        Unsan

Kunure                       Wonju

Nantong River          Yalu River

Osan                            Yudam-Ni

(North face)

The Hills

Bloody Ridge            Pork Chop Hill

Bunker Hill               Sniper Ridge

Heartbreak Ridge    Stud Hill

Little Gibralter           T-Bone Hill

Old Baldy                   Triangle Hill

Marker can be reached from Bourne Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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