Korean War Veterans Memorial

[Inscription: Panel 1]:

Our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met.

1950 * Korea * 1953

[Panel 2]:

Freedom Is Not Free

[Panel 3]:

Dead: U.S.A. 54,246; U.N. 628,883

Missing: U.S.A. 8,177; U.N. 470,267

Captured: U.S.A. 7,140; U.N. 92,970

Wounded: U.S.A. 103,284; U.N. 1,644,453

[Panel 4]:

Korean War Veterans Memorial...

Achitects: Cooper-Lecky Architects

Sculptor: Frank C. Gaylord, II

Muralist: Louis Nelson Associates

Builders and Fabricators:

Faith Construction, Inc. •

R. J. Crowley, Inc. •

Cold Spring Granite Co. •

Tallix Art Foundry

Design and Construction Agent:

U.S. Army Engineers, Baltimore District

Funded by donations from veterans, families and friends.

Marker can be reached from Daniel French Drive near Lincoln Memorial.

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: