Kosciusko County Jail

This third county jail, including a sheriff’s residence, was built in 1870 by Richard Epperson. Chicago architect, George O. Garnsey designed it in Neo-Gothic Style. Rusticated stonework and turrets create the appearance of a small castle to provide a sense of security and strength. Two-story jail was located behind sheriff’s three-story residence.

Listed in National Register of Historic Places 1978. Jail closed and building leased to Kosciusko County Historical Society for first county museum 1982. County jails were first established in 1972 under laws of the Northwest Territory; they continued under laws of the Indiana Territory and state constitutions of 1816 and 1851.

Marker is at the intersection of South High Street and East Center Street, on the left when traveling north on South High Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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