Lawrence County World War II Honor Roll

Honor Roll

Defenders of Freedom

for God and Country

This votive tablet is dedicated to the honor of the men of Lawrence County, Indiana who answered the call of our Country in World War II and who died that you and I might live.

1941 —– 1945

[ Row One ]

Roscoe D. Adamson • Harold R. Allen • James B. Ambler • Cecil P. Asbury • Claudie Bailey • Carl R. Baker • Curtis Barger • Amos R. Beavers • Wayne Beechler • John M. Blackburn • Marion F. Blackwell • Francis L. Bough • George Brown • Paul T. Brown • Dwight F. Byers • Paul W. Byers • Sylvester Catozz • Glenn L. Chastain • James E. Cobb • Orville Connerley • David Daugherty

[ Row Two ]

William F. Davidson • Marvin R. Davis • Ralph Doane, Jr. • Cube C. Dowling • Glenn F. Duncan • Virgil H. Eagan • Raymond R. Easton • Robert G. Easton • Wesley V. Emery • Wilbur E. Evans • Raymond V. Farmer • Charles F. Ferguson • Eathel I. Fish • Forrest K. Flinn • Spencer F. Flynn • Opal Franklin • Dale R. Freeman • Hartwell F. Fultz • Clyde Gabbert • Robert E. Gardner • Paul George

[ Row Three ]

John P. Gennett • Charles Glimpse • Wilbert E. Goldsby • Lowell Goodin • Charles T. Graves • Marvin W. Grogan • Loren W. Hancock • Debert Hensley • Durard E. Henson • Lloyd E. Holt • Wayne O. Hubbard • Robert E. Hubbard • Bennie J. Hudson • Lawrence H Huffman, Jr. • Willard Hunter • Morris D. Isom • Wayne Jolley • Leonard C. Kennison • Luther C. Kern • Roland C. Kern • Wallace O. Kinder

[ Row Four ]

Esco King • Rayond M. King • Warren C. Kopp • Charles A. Kunkel • Forrest A. Lake • Harry Lee, Jr. • James E. Long • Ermal R. Lynn • Harold W. McCain • William P. McCann • Guy A. McClung • Buford McDonald • Orvil Madden, Jr. • Roy K. Malott • Lonial J. Martin • Raymond Mascid • Gerald N. Megnin • Warren Midkiff • Lester Miller • Sylvester Mitchell • Glen Moffitt

[ Row Five ]

John O. Moore, Jr. • Richard A. Mowery • William A. Norman • Robert D. Owens • William F. Owens • Lloyd E. Parish • Charles E. Phillips • James Pitts • James M. Prior • Leland C. Quillen • Hubert O. Rainey • Paul Rayhill • Leslie H. Robbins • Daniel L. Roberts • Francis E. Robertson • John F. Root • Robert R. Roubadeaux • Harrison E. Sanders • Warren R. Sears • Donald W. Sego • Wilbert Slaughter

[ Row Six ]

Chester R. Smith • Robert U. Smith • James E. Sproles • John W. Stigall • John F. Stotts • Rawleigh Talbott • Harold J. Terrell • Jesse L. Thomas • James T. Thompson • Marvin D. Timms • William L. Torphy • George E. Trogdon • Adolph Turpen • Charles H. Waldron • Wendell White • Robert E. Willis • Glen E. Wood • Jesse R. Wood • Dean C. Wykoff • Thomas L. Yaney

At the call of duty they did not falter and in the hour of death they knew no fear.

Marker is on J Street south of 15th Street (U.S. 50), on the left when traveling south.


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