Le pont Vieux

[The Old Bridge]

Costruit vers 1040, «pour le profit commun de la ville et l’utilitéé de l’Albigerois» , ce pont permit de développer le quartier de la rive droite, appelé faubourg de Bout-du-Pont ou de la Madeleine et de multiplier les échange.

Pont à péage, il comportait un tour-porte fortifiée au centre la chapelle, et à l’extrémité droite le pont-levis et le “ravelin”.

Du XIVe au XVIIIe siècle, il porta des maisons sur ses piles qui furent démolies après la terrible crui de 1766. En 1820, pour s’adapter aux nouveaux transports de la révolution industrielle, sa chaussée sera redressée et elarge.

Classé monunent historique, c’est aujourd’hui l’un des plus anciens ponts de France à être utilisé pour la circulation.


Pont Vieux

Built around 1040 for the common good of the town and for it usefulness to residents, the Old Bridge enabled the development of the Right Bank and the “du-Bout-du-Pont” suburb (“End of the Bridge”) – now Madeleine and increased commerce.

Formerly a toll bridge, the crossing had a fortified gate tower, a chapel in the centre, and a drawbridge and ravelin at the far end near the Right bank.

From the 14th to 18th centuries the bridge contained houses, but these were demolished after the terrible flood of 1766. In 1820, its roadway was removed and expanded to take advantage of new modes of transport made possible by the industrial revolution.

Classified a historic monument, it is one of the oldest bridges of France still in use today.

[Spanish translation not transcribed.]

Marker is on Quai Choiseul.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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