Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center

Embark on your own “voyage of discovery” at the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center in Great Falls, Montana. Operated by the USDA Forest Service, the Center was built in 1998 on the bluffs overlooking the Missouri River, near Giant Springs State Park.

The Center offers two short videos for your viewing pleasure: The introductory video provides a general overview of the Corps of Discovery’s westward travels to the Pacific Ocean, while the portage video depicts the time the explorers spent in the Great Falls area, as they completed the arduous task of the portage of the Great Falls of the Missouri. To further enhance your visit, attend one of the many short programs led by the Center’s interpretive staff, covering a wide variety of topics such as American Indian history and culture, military life on the expedition, or the natural history recorded by Captains Lewis and Clark. Also be sure to explore the exhibit hall, where you will learn much more about the daily aspects of the Corps’ travels, the people they met, and other fascinating stories. The Interpretive Center also offers Junior Explorer and K-12 education programs for the younger explorers.

During the summer months, many programs are held outdoors in the Center’s River Camp area, along the Missouri River. Visitors will have a chance, with the assistance of the Center’s staff, to pitch a tipi, start a fire, and experience other important life skills of the early 19th century.

Also be sure to visit the Portage Cache store operated by the Lewis and Clark Foundation and the William P. Sherman Library and Archives of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. The Center is one of the oldest centers on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail and is a must see for travelers of all ages. For more information, call 406.727.8733 or visit www.fs.usda.gov/main/lcnf/learning

Credits and Sources:

Content for this Next Exit History site sponsored by the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation and the Portage Route Chapter of the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. For more information visit http://lewisandclark.org/ or http://www.corpsofdiscovery.org/.

Photos provided by the USDA Forest Service.

USDA Forest Service Lewis and Clark National Forest. “Learning Center.” www.fs.usda.gov/main/lcnf/learning.

Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center

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