Lewis' Brigade

Breckinridge's Division

Lewis' Brigade, Breckinridge's Division.

Brig. Gen. Joseph H. Lewis.

Nov. 25th 1863.

2nd Kentucky - Lieut. Col. James W. Moss.

4th Kentucky - Maj. Thomas W. Thompson.

5th Kentucky - Col. H. Hawkins.

6th Kentucky - Lieut. Col. W. L. Clarke, (Detached).

9th Kentucky - Lieut. Col. John C. Wickliffe.

John H. Morgan's - dismounted men.

The Brigade reached this position from near Bragg's Headquarters in the early morning of the 25th. The 9th Kentucky occupied an interval in the front line on the right of Smith's Brigade, and left of Govan's, facing north, near the base of the hill east of this point, and actively engaged in checking the Union advance, but with slight loss. The 6th Kentucky had been left to guard Chickamauga Station, and remained at that point till the close of the battle.

The other regiments of the brigade occupied this position in rear of Smith's Texas Brigade, and were changed to support any portion of the line menaced, as emergency required, but were not actively engaged.

Marker can be reached from North Crest Road north of Lightfoot Mill Road.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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