Lewis Clark Interpretive Center

"We commence building our cabins."

- William Clark, November 3, 1804

That simple journal entry marked the construction of Fort Mandan, the Corps of Discovery's winter home from 1804-1805. Through the winter, Lewis & Clark interviewed members of the nearby Mandan-Hidatsa villages to plot maps and plan the next phase of their journey to the Pacific Ocean. They also had the good fortune to meet a remarkable young woman named Sacagawea.

Today, we have a newly-remodeled Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center with state-of-the-art interactive exhibits and a new collection of artifacts, a new exhibit honoring North Dakota's family farms, and much more. We also welcome you to step back in time and visit the reconstructed Fort Mandan.

Whether you're a first-time visitor or an experienced explorer, you'll have an unforgettable new adventure when you Join the Discovery!

Lewis Clark Interpretive Center

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