Lightburn's Brigade

Morgan L. Smith's Division

Lightburn's Brigade.

Morgan L. Smith's Division, 15th Corps.

Brig. Gen. Joseph A.J. Lightburn.

Nov. 25, 1863.

83rd Indiana, - Col. Benjamin J. Spooner.

30th Ohio, - Col. Theodore Jones.

37th Ohio, - Lieut. Col. Louis Von Blessingh.

47th Ohio, - Col. Augustus C. Parry.

54th Ohio, - Maj. Robert Williams, Jr.

4th West Virginia, - Col. James H. Dayton.

The Brigade advanced from the Tennessee River about 2 P.M. of November 24th, seized the high ridge about 950 yards north of this point late in the day, and intrenched. About 9 A.M. of the 25th, the 30th and 37th Ohio, and two companies of the 4th West Virginia, all under command of Col. Theodore Jones, supported by the 47th Ohio on the left, crossed the intervening valley, captured the outer Confederate works near this point and moving to the left in conjunction with Corse's Brigade on the right, at 10:30 A.M. made an assault upon the main Confederate works about 220 yards south, and were repulsed. The detachment was relieved at dark by a part of Giles A. Smith's Brigade, and rejoined its brigade. Loss: 10 Killed, 76 Wounded.

Marker can be reached from North Crest Road north of Lightfoot Mill Road.


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