Lincoln Memorial


[Dedication by Royal Cortissoz, above the statue by sculptor Daniel Chester French:]

"In this temple

as in the hearts of the people

for whom he saved the Union

the memory of Abraham Lincoln

is enshrined forever."

[Inscription on deck above the grand staircase:]

"I Have A Dream"

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The March on Washington

for Jobs and Freedom

August 28, 1963

[Panel on terrace below the grand staircase:]

The Federal Union of the States,

at the heart of Lincoln’s purpose,

is symbolized in his Memorial

by 36 columns beneath the names

of the 36 States composing

the Union in his lifetime.

When the Memorial was designed, the

Union included the 48 States

named on the attic frieze.

A generation later, in 1959


attained Statehood fully

joining their destinies with

the United States of America

E Pluribus Unum

Marker can be reached from Lincoln Memorial Circle south of Constitution Ave, NW (U.S. 50).


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