
1725 - 1758

An historic Indian village, was located a

short distance northwest of this spot.

It was founded by Shawnees and

later occupied also by Delawares, Senecas,

Mohawks and Wyandots.

Here in 1748 Conrad Weiser, agent of

Pennsylvania, negotiated a treaty with the

Indians, that opened the region west of the

Allegheny Mountains to Anglo-Saxon

influence and development.

June 11, 1752, the Treaty of Logstown

was made between the Iroquois Indians and

the Virginians, giving the latter the right to

build a fort and establish a trading post

at the forks of the Ohio (Pittsburgh)

Major George Washington

held councils at Logstown with Tanacharison,

Scarouaday, Shingas and other Indian chiefs,

November 24 to 30, 1753 while on his

important mission to Fort LeBoeuf.

Erected by

Fort McIntosh Chapter

Daughters of the American Revolution


Marker is at the intersection of Duss Avenue and Anthony Wayne Drive, on the left when traveling north on Duss Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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