Louisville and Nashville Railroad Marine Terminal

This building, constructed in 1902 at the southern end of Commendencia Wharf, served as the headquarters of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad's Gulf Coast shipping operations.

Designed by the railroad company, the building's construction contract was awarded local builder A.V. Clubbs, also responsible for building the Pensacola Opera House and many other notable Pensacola buildings.

After 1920, The company utilized the building for storage until they gifted the property to the Historic Pensacola Preservation Board in 1968.

The Preservation Board relocated the building to the corner of Main and Barracks Street, and restored the structure to its original state.

The building is now home to the Florida Public Archaeology Network's state wide headquarters.

Information provided by the Historic American Buildings Survey. Narrative written by Tim Roberts.

Credits and Sources:

Photographs from the University of West Florida Historic Trust