M60A3 TTS Medium Tank

Initially Manufactured by Chrysler Corporation

Crew: 4

Maximum Speed: 30mph

Weight: 57 tons

Maximum range: 260 miles

Armament: Main 105mm gun, Secondary 50 caliber machine gun, M240 coaxial machine gun.

The first M60 tanks were issued to U.S. Army units during the fall of 1960 as a replacement for the M48 Patton tank. The M60A3 was introduced in 1978 and was the first production line tank to be outfitted with the tank thermal sight (TTS). The TTS provided the tank crew with the ability to pick out an enemy vehicle in the dark. This tank was also equipped with a meteorological sensor device that fed data directly into its ballistics battle movements. The M60A3 remained the main battle tank of the U.S. Army and Marine Corps until it was replaced in the mid 80’s by the M1A1 Abrams Tank.

Marker is on McFarland Boulevard East (U.S. 82), on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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