Madison County Veterans' Memorial

[[ Panel - - W. W. I - “A - Z” ]]

In memory of Madison County Veterans

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice

in W. W. I

[ Row One ]

Carl Abel • Sim Anderson • Henry Auler • Clarence Austin • Forrest Baker • Benjamin Bartholomew • Lottie May Berry • William Z. Bramel • Alexander M. Bright • Audison Brobst • Walter T. Brown • Fred D. Butler • Adolph H. Chase • Joseph C. Clark • Paul S. Cochran • Clarence J. Cowgill • Glen I. Cullipher • Lowell F. Cutler • Harvey G. Danner • Daniel Davis • William H. Dever • Roscoe Eckhouse • Wade H. Ettinger • Floyd W. Gable • Louis L. Gagen

[ Row Two ]

Sylvan Gazelone • Wade L. Goul • Carl C. Gray • Palmer S. Gustin • Edward C. Hackworth • Otto L. Hilligoss • George H. Hockett • Mckinley H. Hoffman • Harrison Waldo Jackson • William Kelly

[ Row Three ]

Orville V. Kendall • George F. Knight • Willard B. Lewis • Harry Lineberry • Donald L. Livezey • Samuel Lockridge • Lester D. Longaker • William W. McBride • Irwin A. McCord • Harry Mead

[ Row Four ]

Wilson R. Mercer • Louis Monroe • Oliver L. Morlock • Samuel C. Norris • Walter V. Norton • Harry V. Plessinger • Maurice R. Ponsler • George E. Reese, Jr. • Luke L. Reiley • Henry C. Richman • Gordon Riggs • John V. Ritter • Samuel Russell • Joseph V. Shockey • John W. Smalley • Otto V. Taylor • Albert Thompson • Thomas A. Vasbinder • Frederick W. Wachstetter • Wintford E. Walker • Perly Weir • Earl T. Wheeler • Clifford Whitehead • Augustus Wittebort • Russell G. May

[[ Panel - - W. W. II - “A - F” ]]

In memory of Madison County Veterans

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice

in W. W. II

[ Row One ]

Charles Abbott • Earl A. Abbott • Karl W. Albert • Richard J. Allen • Joseph H. Altherr, Jr. • William L. Ashba • Junior H. Ashby • Monroe Atchley • Harold Atherton • Lawrence A. Atkinson • Richard J. Atwood • John R. Austin • Robert L. Austin • Warren Badger • Frank F. Bagienski • Jay R. Baines • James O. Baker • Willard Baker • Cecil R. Banta • Roderick L. Barker • Sylvester Baugh • Gilbert C. Beck • Charles R. Bell • Harold Bell • John A. Bell • Herchell Benefiel

[ Row Two ]

Ben Berg • Robert Billhymer • Abram C. Birch • John W. Birch • George K. Black • Walter L. Blakely • William Blakely • Daniel W. Bowman • Maurice E. Braden • James W. Bradley • John A. Bragg

[ Row Three ]

Harold Braxton, Jr. • Eugene Bricker • Norman Bricker • Mark K. Bright • John L. Brockmyer • Robert K. Broderick • Gerald B. Brown • Raymond H. Brown • Robert M. Brown • Robert S. Brown • Chester A. Broyles

[ Row Four ]

Howard L. Bryant • Ralph J. Busby, Jr. • James W. Bush • Joseph Calabria • Samuel Calabria, Jr. • Franklin B. Caldwell • Odis Callahan, Jr. • Kenneth R. Calvert • Jesse T. Campbell • Ralph W. Carey • Alonzo T. Carpenter • E. Lewis Carroll • Donald R. Cates • Lewis E. Clanin • Alfred Eldon Clark • Charles E. Clark • George N. Clark • James Clark • George R. Cluggish • Leland Cobble • Donald C. Coe • John P. Colson • Robert G. Conner • Clarence E. Cook • Herman Cox, Jr. • Max H. Craib

[ Lower Section ]

[ Row One ]

Robert V. Craigmile • Chester M. Cripe • M. Dale Crist • Ralph J. Crist • Charles A. Critchlow • Andrew F. Critser • Townsend W. Crittenberger • Charles S. Crosson

[ Row Two ]

Ralph W. Cutchin • Roy M. Danforth • Glen L. Daugherty • Glenn F. Davis • James Davis • Charles C. Davis, Jr. • William O. Davisson • Robert E. Devaney

[ Row Three ]

Francis Dewitt • Richard Dexter, Jr. • Richard E. Dietrich • Charles E. Dilts • James M. Downey • Joseph G. Doyle • Robert B. Druley • Charles A. Duffitt, Jr.

[ Row Four ]

Raymond O. Dull • George A. Dusing • Robert Lewis Eachus • Carl E. Easton • Harold L. Ebbert • Earl L. Eckhardt • James R. Eckrode • Verbal Eden

[ Row Five ]

Raleigh D. Ellsworth • Jack R. Eutsler • James F. Evans • William B. Evans • Thomas W. Evans, Jr. • Frank Everson • Harold Faulds • Harry Felty

[[ Panel - -W. W. II - “F - M” ]]

In memory of Madison County Veterans

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice

in W. W. II

[ Row One ]

William R. Fesler • Kester C. Fields • Florence Fiscus • Marion E. Fletcher • Floyd L. Foltz • Carl Fortner • Benjamin H. Franklin, Jr. • William E. Frazee • Paul Frombger • John T. Fuqua • Glenn E. Gaither • Marvin C. Gants • Ernest J. Gardner • Earl L. Garr • Eugene Garrison • Robert C. Georgel • Horace V. Gilmore • Ralph V. Goff • Earl O. Gooding • Walter E. Goodman • George H. Gootee • James A. Gorden • Richard P. Gordon • Elmer D. Goss • Dan Graham • George E. Graham

[ Row Two ]

John C. Gray • Robert C. Gray • Delmar Green • Hershel R. Gresham • Walter E. Grossenbacher • Herman C. Grubbs • Robert W. Gustin • Wayne A. Halford • Raymond Hanchier • Crawford E. Handley • Eric N. Handley

[ Row Three ]

James R. Hannah • Francis L. Hannon • Garner E. Harbit • Garnie B. Hartsook • Edward B. Heiden • Leland Heller • Otis R. Hendrix • Guy V. Henry • Dale D. Hensley • William R. Hepfer • Marion E. Hetzer

[ Row Four ]

Richard F. Hexamer • Marshall H. Hill • Phillip Hines • George T. Hobson • Fremont M. Holloway • Robert H. Horne • Blanchard J. Horne, Jr. • Paul E. Hornickel • Edgar J. Hover • Walter Howard • Joseph Hueigenau, Jr. • Charles L. Huffman • James Huggins • William Hull • William W. Huntley • Nalen Hutcherson, Jr. • Merle Ice • Harold Ingram • Lowell Ingwerson • Ralph Inman • Thomas Isaacs, Jr. • Worth H. Jackson • Preston Janes • Carl W. Jarrett • Fred I. Jessup • Carl Johnson

[ Lower Section ]

[ Row One ]

Ervin N. Johnson • James Jones • Marion F. Jones • Paul Jones • Robert D. Jones • Samuel Jones • Garland L. Johnson • Harley P. Johnson

[ Row Two ]

Tilford A. Johnson • Nona H. Juday • Jack K. Justice • Robert O’Brien Kaiser • Leland O. Kaufman • Harrison E. Kegg • Jack C. Kepner • Luther Kern

[ Row Three ]

William R. Knopp • Arthur Kreuger, Jr. • Stanley Kuklenski • Frank R. Lacy, Jr. • Paul J. Lambert • Franklin M. Lawrence • Howard E. Lawrence • Billie Layton

[ Row Four ]

Billy Sherman Layton • John R. Ledford • Joseph F. Legg • Raymond F. Legg • Emory Leroy Lewis • Herschel C. Linkens • Homer Likens • Rolland B. Lowry

[ Row Five ]

Richard C. Mace • Maurice L. Manghelli • John Manifold • Francis L. Marlett • Lawrence Martin • William C. Mason • Russell E. Masters • Ben N. Mathes, Jr.

[[ Panel - - W. W. II - “Mc - T” ]]

In memory of Madison County Veterans

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in W. W. II

[ Row One ]

Charles L. McCarel • John R. McColeman • Charles F. McCoy • Lawrence McCoy, Jr. • William B. McCurdy • William S. McDole • Robert McIntosh • Robert W. McLain • Allen McLean • James Mesalam • Paul A. Meyer • Max M. Mills • Richard H. Millspaugh • Clyde Mitchell • Jack Modlin • Charles E. Moore • Harlan Moore • John H. Moore • Parke P. Moore • Willard A. Moore • Clarence F. Morgan • John E. Morrow • Robert L. Mosier • Mark C. Murray • Calvin E. Nale • William F. Niccum

[ Row Two ]

Horace Parker • Robert Parker • James E. Parrish • David W. Patterson • William B. Patton • Paul H. Pavey • Arnold E. Pearson • Anthony Pedro • Robert l. Peouignot • Charles E. Phillips • Emerson Pickering

[ Row Three ]

George P. Nichol • Ernie Harold Nichols • Harold F. Noel • Floyd C. O’Conner • William G. Ooton • Edward F. Osborn • Roy Osborne • Charles Owens • Ethel D. Owens • Jack M. Owens • Thomas G. Owens

[ Row Four ]

John S. Powers • Willie L. Pratt • Henry T. Prell • Robert A. Pryor • Hubert Raines • John L. Raison • Daniel W. Ramsdell • Gerald E. Redman • Charles E. Redmon • Don Renck • Oakley Repp, Jr. • Bliss R. Reynolds • Miron C. Reynolds • Theodore Rhody • Duane L. Riggins • Chester L. Riggs • Edwin L. Riggs • John W. Riggs • Marion Riley • Earl F. Riser • Warren Risley • Farrel Ritchie • Lewis W. Rodecap • Jasper Rogers • John N. Ronsheim • Arthur E. Rosenbarger

[ Lower Section ]

[ Row One ]

A. Thomas Rowe • Farrell Rudolph • Vincent A. Rundquist • Paul H. Runyan • Charles E. Russell • Everette E. Russell • Lon B. Rutledge • John E. Ryan

[ Row Two ]

John F. Ryan • Donald L. Rybolt • Charles H. Samuell • Matthias Schoger, Jr. • John D. Schroeder • Donald L. Scott • Robert C. Seagraves • Louie L. Seal

[ Row Three ]

Robert L. Seaton • Alonzo R. Self • Raymond C. Shafer • Eugene Shaw • James E. Shaw • Leonard R. Shaw • Marshall Snively • Eugene D. Shoultz

[ Row Four ]

Arthur E. Silvey • Robert Simmonds • Paul M. Slater • Guy S. Smith • Leroy Smith • Charles W. Snideman • Robert D. Spitzer • Lawrence J. Spoo

[ Row Five ]

Elwood J. Steiner • Kenneth L. Stevens • Roy A. Stinson • W. R. Strassmeier • Gene Stricler • Jack Sunners • Eugene C. Swain • Richard L. Tanselle

[[ Panel - - W. W. II - “T - Z” ]]

In memory of Madison County Veterans

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in W. W. II

[ Row One ]

Robert A. Tate • Harold F. Taylor • Carl W. Thomas • George E. Thomas • Paul Todd • George M. Toles • Leroy Tolle • Lawrence W. Tracy, Jr. • Carl Tucker • Paul R. Tucker • Otto Tulowitzky • Carl E. Turner • Hobart D. Tyree • Charles E. Tyska • Roy L. Ulery • Herbert L. Underwood • William Underwood • Robert F. Vetor • Howard C. Wade • Edward L. Walker • Jack E. Walker

[ Row Two ]

Lowell K. Walker • Arthur C. Ward • Perry J. Warrum, Jr. • Horace E. Watson • Norman L. Weber • Virgil R. Webster

[ Row Three ]

Howard C. Welker, Jr. • William F. Wells • Fayne A. West • Raymond C. Weston • Rex Wheat • Arthur L. Whetsel

[ Row Four ]

Jay E. Whetsel • Rex B. Whetsel • Gene Whetstone • Wilbur A. Whitaker • Eugene S. Whitlow • Kenneth Williams • Richard L. Williams • Robert E. Williams • Marvin R. Willis • Ferman Wilson • Walton Wilson • Wilfred N. Wilson • Charles O. Wimmer, Jr. • Howard E. Withers • Dick Wood • James M. Wood • Robert L. Woodruff • Donald R. Wright • Guy F. Wyatt • Horace A. Yunker • Jack W. Zoll • Calvin Zook

[[ Panel - - Korea “A - Z” ]]

In memory of Madison County Veterans

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in Korea

In memory of all Veterans

who have so nobly served

their country in all it’s wars

and who by offering their full

measure of devotion have purchased

freedom for our beloved Nation

[ Row One ]

Herbert H. Booth • Howard E. Boyer • James W. Buddenburg • Robert E. Clay • Kenneth A. Clem • Clarence J. Cox, Jr. • William Douglas • Jack Farley, Jr. • Andrew J. Haney, Jr. • Floyd E. Hooper • Victor L. Jeffries • William E. Lamb

[ Row Two ]

Addison McCreary • John L. Miller • David W. Morris • Oscar Porter, Jr. • Calvin Smith • Paul R. Smith • Robert R. Snoddy • Donald E. Snyder • Charles E. Stuller • Charles E. Sykorora, Jr. • William W. Toops • Charles L. Waples

[[ Panel - - Viet-Nam ]]

In memory of Madison County men

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in Viet-Nam

In memory of all Veterans

who have so nobly served

their country in all it’s wars

and who by offering their full

measure of devotion have purchased

freedom for our beloved Nation

[ Row One ]

Roy Freeman • Terry P. Redic • David G. Hutchings • Carl T. Funkhouser • Tommie J. Campbell • Jerry Bloomer • Lawrence Fowler • Dwight L. Basey • Chester R. Pavey • Carman K. Hicks • Gary L. Carle • Walter G. Pope • Leonard A. Roy • Glenn E. Ankrum • James L. Moore • Terry A. Ruth • Robert A. Hagan, Jr.

[ Row Two ]

George H. Heppen • Robert A. Stickler • Allen L. Jackson • Robert Wilkerson • Johnny R. Crawford • Richard Creason • Gregory Fennimore • Tommy L. Carpenter • James R. Davidson • William M. Downing • Richard T. Mills • Raymond P. Markham • Edward L. Sizelove • James A. Manger • Charles R. Reff • George R. Posey • Thomas M. Hiday

[[ Panel Obverse - - Viet-Nam ]]

In memory of Madison County men

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in Viet-Nam

In memory of all Veterans

who have so nobly served

their country in all it’s wars

and who by offering their full

measure of devotion have purchased

freedom for our beloved Nation

[ Row One ]

James P. Imel • John R. Bragg • Richard Wood • Dale Crittenberger • Jimmy Johnson • John N. Eutsler • John L. Croy • Patrick Hartwell • Dan C. Patterson

[ Row Two ]

Daniel L. Terry • Gary W. Englehardt • Jon L. Padgett • Robert Ellis • Larry D. Platt • Gary Brown • Bennis R. Johnston • Richard Garretson • James P. Ent

[[ Panel - - Iraq ]]

Matthew R. Smith • Robert E. Colvill, Jr • Raymond L. White • Brian K. Miller

In memory of Madison County Veterans

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice

[[ Memorial - Desert Storm ]]

Desert Storm

Brian Simpson

Marker is at the intersection of East 8th Street and Main Street, on the left when traveling east on East 8th Street.


Credits and Sources: