Madison County Veterans’ War Memorial

White stone marker:

This memorial dedicated in memory of all those of Madison County who served our nation in time of war

World War I

Apr. 6, 1917       Nov. 11, 1918

World War II

Dec. 7, 1941       Dec. 31, 1946

Korean War

June 27, 1950       Jan. 31, 1955

Vietnam Period

Aug. 5, 1964       May 7, 1975

Outside granite panel (left):

Mexican-American War / 1846-1848

Krouse, George

Civil War / 1861-1865

Acton, Thomas;

Allen, Franklin;

Allen, Homer;

Allen, Vincent;

Ambler, Samuel H.;

Bartlett, DeWitt C.;

Beach, Benjamin;

Beer, William A.;

Benjamin, Herrick;

Bidwell, Albert;

Bidwell, Benjamin;

Bidwell, Elisha;

Bigelow, Wm. Emmett;

Brittingham, Ethan;

Burrows, Horace D.;

Burrows, Wilson;

Campbell, John;

Carder, Joseph N.;

Clark, Hatfield;

Clark, James;

Converse, Charles;

Creath, O.M.;

Creviston, John;

Davidson, Silas;

Duer, Thomas;

Dugan, Jesse;

Fastman, John;

Ellis, Soloman;

Entler, Philip;

Ervin, Amos K.;

Fickey, William L.;

Finley, John R.;

Flynn, Jerry;

Furrow, Absalom;

Gardner, Rev. John S.;

Glaze, Nelson;

Griffen, Patrick H.;

Hammond, John;

Harper, John;

Harrison, John R.;

Harvey, Samuel T.;

Heidler, John T.;

Hemenway, Edward;

Henderson, Charles C.;

Holcomb, James;

Hornbeck, John Q.;

Hughes, James;

Johnson, Firman;

Jones, Albert;

Jones, Berthier;

Jones, Jasper;

Kern, Joseph;

Ketch, James T.;

Ladley, James;

Lilly, Daniel;

Lilly, Thomas;

Lilly, William;

Long, Jacob;

Lyman, Henry;

Martin, John H.;

Martins, John;

McCandless, James;

McClure, Samuel;

McDowell, Uriah H.;

Melvin, Samuel;

Moore, John F.

Middle granite panel (left):

Indian Wars / 1876

Rodgers, William

Spanish-American War / 1898-1899

Ballenger, Samuel T.;

Tracy, John;

Weaver, Rudolph

World War I / 1917-1918

Alspaugh, William;

Brown, Harry;

Byerly, Cleo F.;

Clark, Willard F.;

Crabbe, Earl T.;

Creedon, John E.;

Cryder, Charles G.;

Dillion, Gerald;

Dillion, Walter;

Dixon, Floyd;

Dulgar, James H.;

Halfhill, Walter;

Hardin, Ralph C.;

Hume, Paul;

Jeffries, Elmer;

Moats, Paul H.;

Newsome, Roy C.;

Porter, George R.;

Redding, Virgil;

Rickards, John;

Roberts, Charles;

Rowland, Hoyt H.;

Ryan, Sterlia S.;

Scully, Thomas P.;

Scully, Will L.;

Stevens, Clinton H.;

Stone, Huston;

Thiel, Fred;

Thomas, Clarence E.;

Thompson, Dewey;

Wlake, Asa E.;

White, Harry L.;

Willard, Franklin C.;

Zimmerman, Edwin

World War II / 1941-1945

Adams, Jack;

Beach, John D.;

Bennett, Paul G.;

Brooks, Noel H.;

Cary, Martin P.;

Collins, Robert;

Converse, Russell D.;

Cooper, Ralph;

Cultice, Howard E.;

Darnell, Lewis W.;

Davis, John D.;

Dillon,Kermit U.;

Estep, Bennie;

Estep, Joseph W.;

Eyler (Skinner), Wm. L.;

Fisher, John E.;

Fout, Joseph H.;

Fry, Wade;

Funk, John W., Jr.;

Gammell, Willard O.;

Grabill, Ernest D.;

Gregg, Marion A.;

Gregg, Raymond;

Groves, Robert W.;

Hall, Ernest F.;

Hamilton, Harding;

Hannah, Cecil;

Harsh, Earl E.;

Heffron, Samuel, Jr.;

Henson, Harold L.;

Hiermer, Wesley O.;

Hollingshead, David;

Hunter, Elzie E.

Inside granite panel (left):

Madison County Veterans’ War Memorial

Inside granite panel (right):

Dedicated with gratitude to all Madison County Veterans who gave their lives during time of war.

Middle granite panel (right):

World War II / 1941-1945

Jones, Martin W.;

Jones, Richard H.;

Kell, Harold E.;

Keller, Robert R.;

Kemp, William C.;

Kile, Dorn;

Kinnaird, Eugene W.;

Klee, T.H.;

Kreuger, Robert H.;

Lawles, William F.;

Lewis, Claire E.;

Mabe, Raymond D.;

Mahoney, Everett C.;

Malone, Ralph A.;

Malone, Vernon;

Marrah, James H.;

McCarty, Kenneth C.;

McCarty, Ralph A.;

McDonald, James B.;

McHenry, Russell E.;

McKinley, Ralph A.;

McSavaney, John S.;

Miller, Bradford D.;

Miller, Dale;

Miller, Harry T.;

Morrison, Warren G.;

Murry, Joseph S.;

Plymell, Roland F.;

Ramey, Claude W.;

Rhoades, William S.;

Richards, Eugene R.;

Rogers, Clarence E.;

Rolfe, Wendell;

Schuler, James R.;

Shaw, John D.;

Sheets, Howard C.;

Sheets, William A.;

Skaggs, Ernest;

Skaggs, Lawrence W.;

Skaggs, Tingel D.;

Smith, George J., Jr.;

Speasmaker, Cass B.;

Standish, Miles L.;

Stewart, Carl B.;

Stillings, Marvin;

Stover, Maynard C.;

Streitenberger, Kenneth E.;

Tate, John H.;

Thorne, Richard W.;

Tippett, Frank;

Turvy, Donald E.;

Watson, William R.;

Webb, James F.;

Welsh, William E.;

Wilson, Pearl;

Woltz, Dewey;

Wood, George W.;

Woodring, Harold F.;

Wright, Harold

Korean War / 1950-1953

Cochenour, James M.;

Cunningham, Carse J.;

Curtis, David;

Fugett, James B.;

Glass, Henry J.;

McHenry, Everett E.;

Miller, Proctor W.;

Morris, Earl H.;

Sanders, Roscoe, Jr.;

Yerian, Howard R.

Vietnam War / 1961-1975

Burlile, Thomas E.;

Casto, Clarence L.;

Culwell, James R.;

Dean, William E.;

Gregg, Joseph G.;

Hale, Charles A.;

Harrison, Ronald E.;

Henry, Richard L.;

Johnson, Thomas W.;

Little, Cecil E.;

Newell, Calvin E.;

Parks, James K.;

Phleger, Robert C.;

Price, William E.;

Ripley, Larry D.;

Thiel, John E.;

Byrd, James C.

Outside granite panel (right):

Global War on Terrorism / 2001

Kevin W. Prince;

Robert A. Swaney

Nothing, short of religion, is more important to me than freedom. I cannot imagine living life in a totalitarian state where individual responsibility is scorned. But to protect freedom, at times we are called individually to make a stand. The men you are about to honor made that stand, and I am eternally grateful. God gave us life, but man makes us free.

I never got to shake the hands of these men who gave their lives for my freedom, dying a lonely death in a distant land far from their home and loved ones. The least I can do is try to see that their names are engraved in stone for all posterity.

These are the words of the anonymous donor who made this monument possible.

Madison County Veteran's Memorial Foundation

Richard Becker - AMVETS

Michael J. Chakeres - Am. Legion

Frank E. Cox - M.O.P.H.

Breck E. Michael - D.A.V.

James E. Thacker - V.F.W.

David Dhume - Madison Co. Commissioner

Schorr & Associates - Architects

Gary Ross - Sculptor

Dedicated June 1, 2002

Edward W. Houston

Veterans Service Officer

Memorial Project Manager

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Ohio Route 38) and High Street (U.S. 42) when traveling west on Main Street.


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