Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart

[Monument's east side]:

Commanding Cavalry Corps

Army Northern Virginia

Confederate States of America


This statue erected by his comrades

and the City of Richmond

A.D. 1906

[Monument's south side]:

“Tell Gen. Stuart to act on his own judgement and do what he thinks best,

I have implicit confidence in him”

Gen. T. J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson in turning over the command of his troops to Gen. Stuart after being wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863

[Monument's west side]:

Born in Patrick County, VA. Feb 6 1833

Died in Richmond, VA. May 12 1864

Aged 31 Years

Mortally wounded in the Battle of Yellow Tavern

May 11, 1864

He gave his life for his country and saved this city from capture.

[Monument's north side]:

“His grateful countrymen will mourn his loss and cherish his memory.

To his comrades in arms he has left the proud recollection of his deeds and the inspiring influence of his example”

Gen. R. E. Lee, announcing the death of Gen. Stuart to his army – May 20, 1864.

Marker is at the intersection of Stuart Circle and Monument Avenue and N. Lombardy Street, in the median on Stuart Circle.


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