Mammoth City

On this site, opposite colorful Mineral Hill (now known as Red Mountain) where the Mammoth mines are located, stood the town of Mammoth City. In this gulch during 1878-79 sprouted a mining camp of perhaps a thousand people. Mammoth City – the center for the nearby, smaller camps of Pine City, Mill City, and Mineral Peak – is said to have had 22 saloons, 13 stores, 2 breweries, 2 livery stables, 5 restaurants and 2 newspapers. Remember that a ten foot square tent or shack plus a barrel of whiskey were all that was needed to make a “saloon”. The Mammoth Mining Co. shut down permanently during the severe winter of 1879-80 causing a mass exodus of residents. A Daily News report stated “twenty pairs of snowshoes, each with a man on top, left this morning”.

Marker is on Old Mammoth Road.


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