Marlborough Court House / Old River Road

Marker Front:

Located about one mile N. of here was the original county seat of Marlborough County, established in 1785. Tristram Thomas conveyed two acres of land to the county for the erection of public buildings in 1787, and the court house and jail were built there shortly afterward. The county seat was removed to a more central location in 1819. No trace of the original town remains.

Marker Reverse:

This river road follows the course of the Great Pee Dee River and crosses U.S. 15 here. It was in existence before the Revolution and was a principal trade route from North Carolina and the Upper Pee Dee to Georgetown and Charleston. Early plantations lay along the road and it was traveled extensively by Patriot forces during the American Revolution.

Marker is at the intersection of U.S. 15 and Williamette Road (South Carolina Highway 912), on the right when traveling south on U.S. 15.


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