Marquis de Lafayette

Marquis de Lafayette was an aristocratic Frenchman who served as a volunteer Major General in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. The French and British fought many wars during their history for various reasons. Lafayette’s father died during one of the wars France fought against the British. After his father’s death, his mother raised him to despise the British. When the colonies began to rebel, Lafayette immediately purchased his own ship and traveled to the colonies. When he arrived in the colonies, he joined General George Washington’s staff. The two men became great friends and relied on each other’s support. Lafayette even named his only son George Washington Lafayette.


The leaders of the Revolution mainly recruited Lafayette for his connections to the French Court. He had yet to serve in a military battle and therefore he had yet to prove his abilities. He eventually did prove his military abilities during multiple battles, he was even wounded during one of the battles. Lafayette also gave financial support to the American cause. He did not receive pay during the war and he paid for uniforms and other needs of fellow soldiers out of his own money.


Eventually Lafayette returned to France to petition for more resources for the American Revolution. He was able to convince the King of France to give more troops and other essential goods. He returned to America in 1780. He arrived in Boston harbor on the Hermione.While in Boston, he wrote to Washington requesting a meeting to relay the news of French support. 


By: Jessica McKenzie 

Credits and Sources:

Eepson, Marc. “George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette.” George Washington’s Mount Vernon. Accessed September 21, 2016.


Mayor’s Office. “Mayor Walsh Welcomes the Marquis De Lafayette’s the Hermione to Boston.” City of Boston. Last modified July 13, 2015. Accessed September 21, 2016.


Washington Papers. “Lafayette to George Washington, 27 April 1780.” University of Virginia. Accessed September 21, 2016.