Martin Robinson Delany

Erected in tribute to

Martin Robinson Delany

Born free May 6, 1812

Lawrence and North Streets

Charles Town, VA (W VA)

Son of Samuel Delay (slave)

and Patti Peace Delany (free)

grandson of African prince

Prince Hall Mason

physician, scientist, inventor,

African explorer, newspaper publisher

& editor, author, trial justice;

Major in Union Army

first and highest ranked Black field officer

during Civil War

appointed by President Abraham Lincoln

Honorable E.M. Stanton, Secretary of War, February 18, 1865.

"Do not fail to have an interview with this

most extraordinary and intelligent Black man"

Abraham Lincoln.

"I thank God for making me a man, but Delaney always

thanks him for making him a Black man"

Frederick Douglas

"His was a magnificent life, yet, how many of us

have heard of him?"

W.E.B. Dubois

Dedicated August 7, 1999 A.D., 5999 A.L.

Marker is on South Lawrence Street 0.1 miles south of West Washington Street, on the right when traveling south.


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