McCook Post No. 34 G.A.R. Civil War Memorial

Barton County War Memorial

On October 1st, 1910, this cannon and original memorial presented to Barton County, Missouri by the members of McCook Post No. 34 G.A.R. Department of Missouri. It was dedicated to the memory of the soldiers and sailors of the Civil War 1861-1865.

This cannon was in active service on the Gunboat Benton on the Mississippi and its tributaries, 1861-1865.

This memorial rededicated October 1st, 1985, to the memory of all Barton County, Missouri service men and women of the Civil War, Spanish-American War, Mexican Border Service, World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam.

Marker is at the intersection of Broadway and 10th Street, on the right when traveling south on Broadway.


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