Meade's Division, First Army Corps


Meade's Division, First Army Corps,

Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, Commanding.

September 17, 1862.

Meade's Division formed at about 6:30 a.m. in the following order: Seymour's Brigade on the left and in advance, Magilton's and Anderson's Brigades in columns of masses in suport. As Anderson and Magilton emerged from the North Woods, they were deployed to fill the gap between Doubleday's and Ricketts' Divisions. Magilton's Brigade was soon withdrawn and moved to the left in support of Seymour and Ricketts.

Through the gap thus made the enemy attempted to advance, but were checked by the fire of the Corps Artillery and by the arrival of the Twelfth Army Corps.

Marker is on Mansfield Avenue, on the left when traveling east.


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