Memorial to Marylanders Killed in War with Mexico

"Watson Monument"


Erected by the Maryland Association of Veterans of Mexican War


[tablet 2]

Association of

the Veterans of the

Mexican War


Surviving members


Of the Army.

John A. Reese, Samuel C. Love, John A. Love, John Carpenter, Robert Harrington, John J.A. Galloway, John D. Preston, George W. Ball.

Of the Navy

William H. Jenkins, William Williams, Alexander Wilkinson, Henry W. Tilson, William Taylor, Charles Hill, David M. Merkin, Thomas P. Russell.

[tablet 3]

Killed in Battle

Lt. Col. William H. Watson, Major Samuel Ringgold, Capt. Randolph Ridgely, Capt. James Boyd, Lieut. James Taneyhill, Sergt. John Truscott, George A. Herring, Privt. Alexander Ramsey, Privt. Joseph Warry, Privt. Patrict O'Brien, Privt. Wm. J. Alexander, Privt. Robert Caples, Privt. William Kelly, Privt. William Reese, Privt. John W. Russell.

[tablet 4]

Association of the Veterans of the Mexican War


Monument Committee


Louis F. Beeler, Pres., Joshua Lynch, Vice Pres., John G. Fury, Vice Pres., Henry Bowers, Vice Pres., George A. Freburger, Mar., James D. Iglehart, Surg., John R. Onion, Secy.


Joseph H. Ruddach, Pres., William Lee, Vice Pres., John T. Gray, Mar., Wm. Louis Schley, Secy., John R. Gould, Secy., David G. Murray, Treas.

Marker is at the intersection of Mount Royal Terrace and North Avenue (U.S. 1), on the right on Mount Royal Terrace.


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