Middlesex Court House

Le Palais de Justice de Middlesex

[English Translation]

Erected in 1830, this building was modelled after Malahide Castle, near Dublin, Ireland, the ancestral home of Colonel Thomas Talbot, founder of the Talbot Settlement. The site was a part of the town plot set aside by Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe after his visit to The Forks in February, 1793. Here he proposed to locate the provincial capital.

[French Translation]

En 1830, le colonel Talbot, fondateur de la colonie Talbot, fit erige cet edifice d’apres le modele, de Malahide Castle, pres de Dublin, sa maison ancestrale. L’emplacement faisait partie du lotissement urbain reserve par le lieutenant-gouverneur John Graves Simcoe, lors de sa visite a The Forks, en fevrier 1793, C’est ici qu’il projetait d’etablir la capitale provinciale.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

Commission des liex et monuments historiques du Canada

Marker is at the intersection of Ridout Street North and Dundas Street, on the left when traveling north on Ridout Street North.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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