Middletown Korean Conflict Memorial

This memorial is dedicated in memory of

those men and women who served so gallantly

for their country during the Korean

Conflict, may this living memorial serve

as a constant reminder for their struggle

for freedom and to the ones who never came

home. May they never be forgotten.

Dedicated 25th day of May, 1987

Korean Conflict

June 25, 1950-July 27, 1953

[U.S.] Casualties 140,546

U.S. Servicemen MIA 8,100

Middletown Men KIA

Robert Tibbs • Robert Williams

David Warmouth • Charles Walker

Donald Hadley • Wilgus Pennington

Roosevelt Love • Martin Henderson

Charles Connaroe • Kermit Cook

Robert Minch • James Richardson

Floyd Cooper Jr.

Middletown Men POW

Dewey Brewer • Roland Hamilton

William Helliegan • Charles Riddell

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: