Monastic island

Monastery (Ukr. Monastyrsky Ostrow) — island on the Dnieper river in Dnepropetrovsk. Since the XVII century the island was called Monastery, in the nineteenth century — Burakovsky, Bogomolovskoye, 1926-2015, Komsomol.

On the island is Dnipropetrovsk zoo, and the aquarium of freshwater fish and a terrarium. Also on the right Bank side of the island there are several boat bases and marinas. The South side of the island is almost completely covered with sand, and is a place for a beach holiday. Part of the island created an artificial means.

Through the island passes the Monastery Merefa-Kherson railway bridge


The island was first mentioned in 1880 in the work of Bishop Theodosius of "Materials for the historical and statistical description of Ekaterinoslav diocese", as the most Northern point, which came in its mission Andrew. The name "Monastery" received from a supposedly existed a Byzantine monastery, founded in the IX century.

In 1958 on the island is a monument to T. G. Shevchenko is one of the largest in Ukraine.

In 1999 the Northern part of the island was built an Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas.

24 November 2015, by order of the acting mayor of Dnipropetrovsk, the island was returned the historic name of the Monastery.

Island today

Currently on the island is part of the Central Park of culture and rest named after T. G. Shevchenko. With the rest of the city the cable car connects the island (in the Central part of the island) and a footbridge (the Northern part).

Among the townspeople spread the ancient name of the island — Monastery. According to urban legend in the mid 90-ies of the 20th century, the city authorities changed the name to Soviet historical, but it happened only in 2015, and before that in official documents of the city to the Monastery of the island the monastery island.

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