Monroe County W.W. II Honor Roll

1941 ————— 1945

The landscaping on these grounds was done

In Memory of

those from Monroe County

who made the Supreme Sacrifice

in World War II

[ Row One ]

Lawrence R. Abram • Roscoe D. Adamson • Paul Edwin Alexexander • Barney Douglas Allen • James F. Applewhite • James L. Aery • Robert Carl Badertscher • John M. Ballard • Wayne Beachler • Norman Ross Bean • Sherman Bell • Roger J. Bender • Samuel Ray Bouher • Wilbur E. Bradt • Joseph Brickery • Jack Bridgwater • William P. Buhrman, Jr. • Julian S. Brown • Earl W. Bullock • Joseph Kenard Bush • Joseph L. Butcher • Russell R. Calvert • David C. Campbell • Robert William Canada • S. Gordon Carlson • Theodore A. Chandler • Raymond Edward Chitwood • William Christie, Jr. • Harold F. Christman • Russell E. Clark • John R. Cleveland • Frank Cline • Floyd Colbert • Albert Lee Collier • Robert E. Crouch • Morris Quinn Curry • Paul B. Curry • David Scott Daniels • Glenn Lavere Day • Oliver Elmo Deckard • James Russel Deford • Gilbert T. Deloreto

[ Row Two ]

Richard E. Dietrich • Dale Doglass • Donald W. Dooley • Charles M. Downs • William D. Durgy • Clifford E. East • Harold C. Eller • Lovis Facyas • Charles H. Ferguson • Joseph Henry Ferguson • Chancy Wier Fielder • John L. Fielder • James Leon Fiscus • William E. Flaherty • Donald Fleetwood • Glen W. Fowler • Robert K. Fox • Forest E. Freeman • Thomas Galagher • Charles E. Gaskins • Guy Goen • Robert Gordon • Clarence A. Grubb • Orien Curtis Gwin • Earl F. Harden • Elbert Hawkins • Herbert L. Hayes • Carey Donald Haynes • Burton C. Hays • John Lloyd Hays • Robert W. Hays • Robert L. Hazel • Russell Hearth • Robert L. Hedrick • Virgil Higgins • Harry Lee Hill • Ollon Hillenburg • William H. Hoadley • Irwin Honeycutt • Ralph Joseph Hopper • Albert Wesley Hough • Claude H. Hughes • Lee Roy Hughes

[ Row Three ]

Orville F. Humphrey • Lester Dale Jackson • Alexander Jackwak • Herbert Dane Jenkin • Robert G. Johnson • Robert Lee Johnson • Charles Q. Jones • John Earl Jones • John F. Keith • Frederick Paul Keller • Robert M. Kendall • Harry Clifford Kent • Joseph E. Kerr • Robert E. Kerr • Winfred J. Koontz • Kenneth K. Kuhnes • Glen Lawson • Charles L. Littell • M. Daniel Lutes • Emmett C. Martin • Lonia J. Martin • Ernest S. Matson • Rex Matson • William C. Mayfield • Robert Gilbert Mayhan • John Meadows • Jack Hart Mershon • William Keith Mershon • Kerman L. Miller • Robert Ivan Miller • Richard F. Minton • Hollis Myers • William G. McCaw • Raymond E. McCoy • Walter W. McElvain • Ernest Nellinger • Calvin C. Norman • Howard Osborne • Robert D. Owens • Theodore James Parrish • Rolla L. Patton • Charles Edward Phillips • Leonard A. Polley

[ Row Four ]

Peter Chris Poolitoon • Willard H. Price • Walter William Prince • Irvin Quick • Robert William Rice • Wymond E. Ridge • Raymond Roberts • Francis Edwin Robertson • Paul Robertson • Paul S. Robertson • Jack C. Robinson • Julian Harold Rogers • Robert Charles Russ • Nolan Russell • James O. Schultheis • William I. Sheedy • George E. Smith • Leo A. Smith • John Walter Snyder • James Jackson Stevens • Robert Stutsman • Robert T. Sutherlin, Jr. • Ralph Sylvester, Jr. • Frank M. Talbott, III • Deroy L. Tandy, Jr. • Clifton E. Taylor • Homer Francis Taylor • Robert W. Taylor • Calvin Ray Thacker, Jr. • Robert Dale Thrasher • William H. Thrasher • Walter Tomahlen, Sr. • James J. Uland • Robert L. Waldon • William Ellis Walter • Herbert Weaver • Roger Lee Whaley • Donald Dee White • Robert Crahan Wininger • Robert Wisley • Paul S. Worley • Charles Albert Young • Lawrence Lee Young

Sponsored by

Bloomington and Friendship Garden Clubs

Marker is on West Kirkwood Avenue west of Walnut Street, on the right when traveling west.


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