Moreno Cottage

Built in 1879, the Moreno honeymoon Cottage was a gift from Francisco Moreno, the Spanish patriarch of Pensacola, to his daughter Pearl and her husband, Octavius Smith.

The shotgun style cottage, located in picturesque Historic Pensacola Village, originally consisted of two rooms and a back porch. According to Moreno family tradition, no kitchen was necessary because the newlyweds ate their meals in the familial home located only steps away. The large Moreno clan owned the cottage until 1965 when the Pensacola Historical Restoration and Preservation Commission, now the University of West Florida Historic Trust, purchased the structure.

Very badly damaged by a fire in December 1978, the Moreno Cottage was given new life through intensive restoration efforts and has since been the site of a number of local businesses who have called Historic Pensacola Village home.

Script written by Vickie Lindsey and Amber Sherouse. Narrated by Dave Dunwoody. Script written by Daniel Klug and Amber Sherouse. Narrated by Sandra Averhart.

Credits and Sources:

Photographs courtesy of University of West Florida Historic Trust

Moreno Cottage

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