Morristown Military Memorial

For God and Country

Lest we forget

Marines * Army              Navy * Air Force

This monument is dedicated to the men and women of the greater Morristown area who have honorably served and fought for our country from the American Revolution to Desert Storm. It is only fitting and proper that Morristown, “The Military Capital of the Colonies,” should be the first to have a monument listing all the military actions of the United States of America to document the human sacrifices made by her people.

Listings of the military actions and the dates

Revolutionary War     (1775-1783) • Indian Wars     (1789-1898) • Franco-American Naval War     (1798-1800) • Barbary Wars     (1801-05, 1815) • War of 1812     (1812-1815) • Marquesas Islands     (1814) • West Indies     (1822-1825) • Sumatra     (1832) • Texas War of Independence     (1835-1836) • Mexican War     (1846-1848) • China     (1854-1859) • Fiji     (1855) • Cortina War/Texas Border     (1859-1860) • Civil War     (1861-1865) • Japan     (1863) • Formosa     (1867) • Mexico     (1870) • Korea     (1871) • Spanish American War     (1898) • Samoa     (1899) • Philippines War     (1899-1902) • China/Boxer Rebellion     (1900) • Moro Campaigns     (1902-06, 1913) • Dominican Republic     (1904) • Mexican Border     (1911-1919) • Nicaragua     (1912) • Vera Cruz     (1914) • Haiti     (1915-1920) • Mexico Punitive Expedition     (1916) • Dominican Republic     (1916-1922) • World War I     (1917-1918) • North Russia Expedition     (1918-1919) • Siberia Expedition     (1918-1920) • Yangtze Service, China     (1921-1941) • Nicaragua     (1927-1932) • North Atlantic Naval War     (1941) • World War II     (1941-1945) • Trieste/Italy     (1945-1947) • Chinese Civil War     (1945-1947) • Cold War Germany     (1946-1985) • Korean War     (1950-1953) • Quemoy and Matsu     (1954) • D.M.Z.     (1955-1979) • Lebanon     (1958) • Bay of Pigs     (1961) • Laos     (1961-1962) • Vietnam War     (1961-1975) • Cuba     (1962) • Panama Canal Riots     (1964) • Dominican Republic     (1965-1966) • Korea     (1966-1969) • USS Liberty off Israel     (1967) • Mayaguez-Cambodian Incident     (1975) • Iran     (1980) • Terrorism Service Personnel     (1980-1991) • Lebanon     (1982-1984) • Grenada     (1983) • El Salvador     (1983-1991) • Honduras     (1984-1989) • Libya     (1986) • USS Stark-Persian Gulf     (1987) • Persian Gulf     (1987-1988) • Panama     (1989-1990) • Persian Gulf War     (1990-1991)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dedicated on May 13, 1992


Memorial and Veterans Day Association


Morristown and Morris Township

Seymour “Sy” Brody, Chairman • J. Robert Tracey, Co-Chairman • Arthur Cohen, Treasurer • John W. McKean, Designer • Norman Bloch, Mayor of Morristown • Richard A. Watson, Mayor of Morris Township

Marker is on Washington Street (County Route 510), on the left when traveling west.


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