Morristown World War I Memorial

In books are sealed what

history has penned:

What statesmen planned, what

captains turned the tide,

the humblest heart to Liberty,

a friend

here shares the faith for which

her soldiers died.                                                   - Edgar Lee Masters

Erected by the people of Morristown,

November 11, 1928

                                               Joseph Nicolosi – Sculptor

[ Back of Monument ]

Dulce et Decorum

Est Pro Patria Mori

Raymond A. Barris • Charles S. Dean • Frank J. Feeley • Ralph Hedden • Martin A. Cook • Minot Jones • Edward H. Kane • Walter A. Loree • Benjamin Ford • Harry Osborne • Ada M. Ferguson • Manuel Williams • Dr. James B. Griswold • Charles R. Kelloway • Gustav H. Kissel • Domenico Malvani • J. Bard McVickar • Daniel J. Meskill • Joseph H. Murphy • Anjello Petraccaro • William Spann, Jr. • Malcolm R. White • Elbert C. Decker • Charles J. Davidson • Daniel M. Henchey • Samuel Nixon

Marker is at the intersection of South Street and Miller Road, on the right when traveling north on South Street.


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