Mount Kisco Veterans Memorial

Korean War Plaque [ far left panel ]

1950 – 1953

The Village of Mount Kisco


The Men and Women

Of This Community

Who Served In

The United States

Armed Forces

During The

Korean War

World War I Plaque [ left side ]

1917 – 1918

The Village of Mount Kisco

Honors the Men From This Locality

Who Served In the Armed Forces of the United States During

The World War

William Henry Adams • Frank Allmond • Reese Denny Alsop • Catello Amato • Rocco Amuso • Antonio Anci • Ray Archibald • Guy S. Bailey • DeWitt Deerborn Baily • Joseph C. Baldwin, 3rd. • Ralph E. Banks • George A. Barclay • Frank A. Barrett • Timothy Barrett • Dominick Bavaro • Edwin S. Bayer, Jr. • William August Bellmer • Augustus P. Benedict • Sebastian Bergstrom • Frederick T. Blakeman • August Blanco • James Boozer • James F. Boque • James Robert Britton • Thomas Broderick, Jr. • Antonio Bronzino • Archibald Manning Brown • Charles S. Brown, Jr. • E Wilton Brown • Harry F. Brown • Harry M. Brown • L. Prescott Brown • Peter Burke • Harry Sidney Burt • Donato Calabrese • Naterio C. Cappelani • Harry Carlson • Harold Carpenter • William Edmond Carter • Ralph L. Cassell • Guiseppe Castronovo • Louis Leb. Chapin • Gaetano Chiapinelli • Thomas John Chisholm • Harold B. Clark • Oswald V. Clark • Richard M. Clark, Jr. • Stephen E. Clark • Vetdon Desmond • Howard Dennis Collins • Patrick Collins • John Edwin Connolly • George Contari • John J. Cooney • Joseph Harold Crane • Thomas F. Crawford • John Cronin • Edward Curran • Robert F. Curran • Bernard Daley • Edward M. Daley • Herbert T. Daley • Giacomo Damone • * Angelo D’Antonio • Patrick J. Davitt • Domenico DeGiustino • Frank Dent • Arnold Depagnier, Jr. • Nicholas Depaoli • James Dermaty • Bernard Devlin • Enrico Dilolli • John A. Dix • Murray W. Dodge • Patrick J. Doherty • * Donatello Donatelli • Richard J. Doyle • Russell l. DuBois • Irving Duffield • Charles Duffy • Frank C. Duffy • * Joseph Duffy • Thomas Duffy • Albert Harwood Eaves • Carl A. Eberle • William F. Egan • Nathan A. Elman • Robert Elman • Chester Farrington • * Jefferson Feigl • Ralph C. Ferris • George M. Finch • * Edward T. Finnerty • Harry Roland Fish • Stuyvesant Fish, Jr. • Mortimer Fisher • James F. Fitzgerald • Nicholas F. Fitzgerald • William J. Fitzgerald • John J. Flick • Robert B. Flintoff, Jr. • Hugo B. Foester • George William Forsythe • Charles W. Foster • Frank G. Fowler • James Lewis Fox • John Edward Fox • Davis Fraser • Edwin E. Ganun • Merrill E. Gates, Jr. • Giulio Gatto • James D. George • Daniel Gerloff • David M. Goodrich • Lawrence Gourley • Gilbert E. Graf • Bertram Graham • W. Hutton Granville • W. Irving Granville • Arthur Randolf • Ashbel Green • James Francis Greene • Robert Douglas Gregory • George Charles Haas • Robert K. Haas • John H. Haight • Patrick Haley • Benedict C. Hall • Donald J. Hall • William H. Hall • Ezre W. Hallock • Alfred Hamilton • Harold Evans Hamilton • Walter N. Hamilton • Frank J. Hanley • Walter Hansen • Edward Harton • John J. Hassett • Thomas Hayes • Patrick Francis Healy • Frederick Heinz • Harry J. Higgins • Harry E. Hitchcock • Edward Hoffman • George W. Hogan • John T. Hogan • Joseph G. Holcombe, Jr. • Helge Gunnar Houlberg • John P. Horan • William F. Houlihan • Joseph Howard • E. D. Irving • Frank Jablonski • Frank M. Jacobson • William Harold Jeffrey • Joseph Edward Jerue • Webster Jones, Jr. • Henry V. Julier • Herman Katz • James A. Kelly • William Andrew Kelly • A. Edison Kierstad • Charles P. Kniffin • Clemens J. Koch • Frank LaBarbera • Alexander C. Lamond • James C. Lamond • Walter Francis Lee • Edgar Rowland Leete • William Henry Leonard

World War II Plaque

For God And Country

1941 * Mount Kisco Honor Roll * 1945

Herbert D. Abbott, Jr. • Lawrence Joseph Abel • Nicholas S. Accetta • Anthony R. Acquista • Ignacis Acuna • Patsy Aievoli • Daniel Alaimo • James J. Alaimo • Joseph P. Alaimo • Ned Alderucci • Benjamin A. Allmond • Edwin Allmond • Francis E. Allmond • Albert L. Allocco • Frank J. Altamura • Frank J. Amendola • Frances M. Amuso • Rocco P. Amuso, Jr. • Anthony J. Amuso • Charles Anabel • Andrew T. Anderson • Colbert Anderson • Fletcher Anderson • John Anderson • Marian L. Andrews • Joseph James Angi • Manuel Antoine • Manuel Antonini • James Arena • Augustin Artiaga • Eugene R. Artusa • Frank Artusa • Santo R. Asaro • Richard K. Atkins • Louis Avicoli • Patsy Avicoli • Nick Babalis • Ira Baer • Dominick Baffi • Frank A. Bagnato • Joseph Bagnato • Richard C. Baker • Ian Baldwin • Louis W. Ballard • Robert T. Ballard • William Ballard • Emerson D. Bancroft • Clifford Banks • Donald Banks • William M. Banks • Samuel O. Barber • William Kent Barclay • * Alfred Barker • Angelo Barlotta • Fred H. Barnett • George P. Barnes • Charles Owens Barns • Richard T. Barns • Arthur L. Baeeows • Alexander Baskind • Walter E. Bassett • Louis Bauer • Paul Baville • John N. Becker • Lawrence Bedrosian • Lyman A. Beecher • Salvatore J. Bellafato • Annuncio Bellizzi • Nicholas Bellizzi • Ralph Bellizzi • Frank Bellusci • Louis Benga • Abraham Benson • Max Benson • Alteo Benvenuti • Thomas Bertucca • Frank Bianconi • Nathan Binder • Francis N. Bishop • James Bishop • Nathaniel F. Bishop • Robert Ogden Bishop • Harold W. Blackeby • John Blair • Fred Blakeman • Harry Blaylock • John Blinn • William Blinn, Jr. • Kenneth Bloomer • Charles Bockmer • * Eugene Bodelson • Charles F. Boehmer, Jr. • Bernard Bolan • John J. Bonn • James Boozer • Thomas L. Boozer • Carl Borgolt • Charles F. Bound • Frank R. Bova • Elmer G. Bowns • John Gerald Boyle • Henry N. Braathe • Frank H. Bradsell • Thomas Bradsell • Donald Braillard • Fred Brandt • Olaf Bratgerg • Joseph R. Brennen • Owen Brennan • Robert D. Brewster • Frederick Briccetti • Victor T. Briccetti • Alfred C. Brickell • Fitch M. Briggs • Richard E. Briggs • Joseph Bronzino • Salvatore Bronzino • Hugh P. Brooks • John Edward Brooks • Lelon H. Brooks, Jr. • John Brown • Robert Brown • William J. Brown • John Bruce • Armand Brugger • Bertram F. Brugger • Everett Brugger • Franklin Brugger • Theodore H. Brugger • Joseph Brunco • Robert H. Brundage • Victor P. Brundage • Angelo Bruno • Jules Bruno, Jr. • John Brush • Louis Brutting, Jr. • John J. Buck • Joseph Buck • Serafino Bueti • Robert Burgess • John F. Burke • Edward I. Burlison • Morris I. Burlison • Edward G. Burns • Robert T. Burns • Rodman Burpeau • Charles F. Burridge • * Harry F. Busby • Sidney F. Bush • George P. Butler, Jr. • James Butler, Jr. • Philip F. Butler • Harold Butterfield • * George H. Buttron, Jr. • Roy J. Buxton • Dante S. Calabro • Frank P. Calarco • James Calarco • Patsy Calarco • Orlando Callado • Dominick Cambareri • Samuel V. Cambareri • Thomas Cambareri • Rocco Cambariere • Frank Camerano • Frank Capristo • Albert Caracciolo • Henry Caracciolo • James Caracciolo • Rocco Cardillo • John K. Cardwell • Joseph O. Carey • Harry Carlson • Verner A. Carlson • Donald E. Carman • Anrewa A. Carnard • Fred’k F. Carpenter, Jr. • Leonard B. Carpenter • Andrew Carraro • Aldo L. Cascioli • Claude Cascioli, Jr. • Edward M.J. Cascioli • * Fiume C. Cascioli • Stanley A. Cascioli • Vincent L. Cascioli • John J. Cassin, Jr. • * Carme Castaldo • Charles F. Castaldo • Frank A. Castaldo • Louis J. Castaldo • Vincenzo Castaldo, Jr. • Anthony Castronovo • Louis Castronovo • Frank Cavaleri • John Cawley • Anthony Cerbone • Joseph A. Cerretani, Jr. • Arthur Charney • Milton Charney • Robert E. Cherico • Bruno Chiappinelli • Elia Chiappinelli • Pia Chiarletti • * David Chittenden, Jr. • Clarence Christe, Sr. • Clarence Christe, Jr. • F. Paul Christensen • Arthur Christian • Joseph D. Christian • George Christoforas • Emily G. Cimerola • Patsy J. Cimerola • Edward P. Clark • John Willis Clark • William H. Clark • Henry J. Cloherty • Henry Ives Cobb, Jr. • Joseph Coffey • Charles Jacob Cohen • George Cohen • Herman Cohen • Irving Cohen • Julius Cohen • Maurice L. Cohen • James A. Collins • William F. Collins • Warren F. Colville • Natle Comito • Douglas Comstock • Pauline Comstock • Edward P. Connolly • John J. Connolly • John Connors • Joseph A. Conte • Luca George Conte • Anthony J. Conti • Josephine Cooney • Burton W. Cottle • Frank D. Coviello • Milton Cowperthwaite • Joseph E. Crandall, Jr. • Douglas B. Crane • George E. Crawford • Elliott P. Gregier • Eugene S. Gregier • Ernest W. Critzer • Edgar G. Crossland • Hugh Cruikshank • William J. Cruikshank • John W. Cullam • James Gundari • Joseph Gundari • Ellsworth Cunningham • Joseph A. Currie • * William S. Currie • Angelo Dagostino • Frank R. Dagostino • Benedict J. Danaites • George W. Dankworth • Charles F. Darlington • Arthur H. Davidson • Donald Davidson • Joseph W. Davis • Morton T. Davis, Jr. • Augustus DeFeo • Larry Deitch • Anthony DeLaura • Betty DeLaura • John DeLaura • Paul DeLaura • Rocco DeLaura • Alex DeLena • Leonard J. Deletti • Andrew J. Dellaero • Nicholas Dellaero • Frank J. Dellaero • Louis J. Dellegave • Frank A. Delise • Ralph Delise • Salvatore Delise • John M. Dembitz • Charles A. Demicco • Ernest J. Denda • George A. Dennett • Joseph Dente • Sylvester Dente • Michael De Paoli • Vincent De Pasquale • Joseph V. De Rosa • Pat De Rosa • John A. De Salvo • Joaquin A. De Silva, Jr. • Daniel E. De Sole • Charles F. De Stefano • Joseph De Stefano • Sal. De Stefano, Jr. • Frank Dezzini • Angelo G. De Blasio • Frank J. Dimicco • Edward J. Dingee • Dennis Dix • John J. Domonski • James H. Don Levy • Christopher Donner • John P. Doyle • Donald H. Dreyer • Samuel Duddy • Dyson Duncan • Stanley H. Dutcher • Ann Dwyer • John Percy Ebbott • John Eccles • Josephine Eccles • Stanley A. Eccles • Ernest A. Edwards • Maurice H. Egan, Jr. • Stephen A. Egan • Emil O. Eiserman, Jr. • William Elfers • George H. Ellis, Jr. • Morris Elman • Edward H. Enberg, Jr. • Salvatore J. Failla • Joseph J. Falite • John J. Fallon, Jr. • Malachy V, Fallon • David Fargarson • Robert Farquhar • John E. Faruolo • Raymond Fategoni • William I. Fearing • Herbert D. Feldman • George Ferguson • Gordon Ferguson • Anthony M. Ferris • Camron Ferris • Robert S. Ferris • Dominick Festo • Christopher Fickling • Sam M. Figa • Douglas C. Finch • William Finch, Jr. • Fred S. Fish, Jr. • * Robert Fish • Harold M. Fisher • Louis D. Fisher • Morris E. Fisher • Paul K. Fisher • Sidney Fisher • Walter Fisher • Waarren Fisher • Willard Fisher • Edward C. Fitzgerald • Joseph Fitzgerald • Marian K. Fitzgerald • Matthew J. Fitzgerald • Nicholas Fitzgerald • John F. Fleming • Madekine A. Flynn • Thomas F. Flynn • Joseph Foglio • Charles R. Ford • Leonard P. Ford • Malcolm Ford • Robert S. Ford • Vincent E. Ford • William E. Ford • Wilson P. Fose • James Foster • John B. Foster • Frank G. Fowler, Jr. • Walter G. Fowler • Arthur J. Fox • Francis D. Fox • Kalman Fox • Robert J. Fox • William M. Fox, Jr. • Elias Clinton Frank • Louis Francisco • Louis F. Franzese • Peter Louis Franzese • Dominick Frascino • John J. Frascino • Joseph Frascino • Kenneth A. Fraser • William E. French • Eugene V. Freund • Charles Fruithandler • David H. Fruithandler • Jerome Fruithandler • Charles M. Fyfe • Joseph F. Gaetaniello • Edwin G. Gaillard • F. Gurney Gaillard • Norman H. Garrett, Jr. • Arthur Gartel • Anthony Gatto • Paul Gatto • Philip Geib • John E. Gibney • Charles D. Gibson • Blanche Gildersleeve • C. Waring Gillespie • George Ginty • Norman Goff • Wilbur A. Goff • Fred A. Goldbeck • Joseph Goldstein • Charles C. Graham • Gordon J. Grant • Harold LeRoy Gray • Francis R. Grogan • * James Peter Grogan • Thomas Grogan • Steve Guarnaschelli • Thomas V. Guinan • Charles R. Gulisano • Joseph R. Gulisano • Santo Gulisano • Anthony Gullotta • Leonard J. Gullotta • George C. Haas, Sr. • George C. Haas, Jr. • Eugene T. Hack • Ernest P. Hahne • Lawrence C. Haines • Joseph D. Hall • George A. Halstead • John W. Hammond • John Harreck, Jr. • John David Harris • William J. Harris • Richard Hart • Harry C. Harvey • John L. Hauser • Joseph Hauser, Jr. • Muriel Hauxhurst • Malcolm W. Hawkshurst • Edward Hayden • Milton G. Haynor • Richard W. Healey • Edward K. Heineman • Rolf F. Heitman • Edward F. Heller, Jr. • W. Warren Heller • John J. Herbert, Jr. • C. Vincent Herlihy • James F. Herlihy • Francis Moore Hickey • Wallace Lee Hirsch • Thomas H. Hockstader • George W. Hogan • Richard Hooker, Jr. • Charles M. Hope • Everett B. Hopkins • Peter Horn • Bernard Horowitz • Julius L. Horowitz • Reuben Horowitz • Henry Curtis Horton • G. Roland House • David R. F. Howe • Francis J. Hoynoski • Walter Goss Huber • Walter Huckland • Walter E. Huelle • Charles A. Huggett • George Hughes • Thomas A. Hughes • Robert S. Hull, Jr. • Howard M. Humbert • Robert S. Hunt • Alfred A. Hunter • Charles G. • William F. Hyde • Frank Iavicola • George Iber • Salvatore Intrieri • Vincent Intrieri • Walter L. Jacob • Bernard J. Jaffey • Ernest Jasmin • Paul Jasmin • A. Llewellyn Jennings • Manson VanB. Jennings • * Thor A. Johannessen • Aaron Johnson • Bengt Johnson • Robert E. Johnson • Victor Johnson, Jr. • James Jones, Jr. • Harry W. Jorgensen • William H. Jorgensen • Joseph T. Kamrowski • C. C. Karcz • Charles W. Kavanagh • Emmett F. Keefe • Bernard Keenan • Reiben Percy Keene • Valeria Keene • John T. Kelly • William A. Kelly • Charles B. Kennedy • John Kennedy • Robert F. Kennedy • Thomas A. Kilpatrick • Bryan E. King • Harry Kinkade • John Kisela • Ernest F. Kish • Albert O. Knapp • John J. Knapp • John W. Knudsen • Karl Kolkman • Joseph Koplin • John S. Korr • Erwin V. Krebs • George Krooze • Martin A. Kurkhill • Dante LaBarbera • Cornelius Lagan • Mathew Lagano • Guy A. Lamond • John Lampo • Marvin H. Lamport • Nathaniel R. Landon • Edward J. LaRegina • Ernest F. LaRegina • * Uno A. Larson • Frank A. Lattanzi • Fred D. Lattanzi • John C. Lattanzi • Lerino A. Lattanzi • Anthony Lauricella, Jr. • Joseph Lauricella • Rosario Lauricella • Edward F. Lawrence, Jr. • Frank Leccesse • Edwin M. Lee • Robert E. Leete • William L. Lefferts, Jr. • Michael Lena • William A. Lena • Harilaos S. Leonardtas • Vincent Licenziato • Augustine J. Lieto • Frank Lieto • Natale Lieto • Francis E. Light • Kempton M. Light • Maurice A. Light • William J. Lillis • Herbert G. Lippert • Lavern Lippert • Charles R. Little • Frank Locascio • John H. Locascio • Edward H. Lockett • James A. Lockett • Alfred Loguidice • Joseph Lombardo • James London • Wilbur Lounsbury • Herbert S. Love • Kenneth H. Love • Inez Loy • Emil A. Lundin • Harold Lundquist • Robert B. Lyon • Anne T. McAleavy • James K. McCabe • Joseph McCabe • Patrick J. McCabe • David McCall, Jr. • Edward C. McCluskey • Kenneth H. McDonald • John J. McGrath • James P. McGuire • William J. McLaughlin • James F. McMahon • Daniel McNamara • John McNamara • Thomas C. McNish • Alfred J. McNulla • * Hugh J. McNulla • Joseph A. McNulla, Jr. • George S. McTavey • Frank Maccarello • Godfrey J. MacDonald • John Henry MacDonald • Thomas B. MacDonald • Charles O. MacDuffie • Philip H. MacDuffie • Helmer MacIntosh • Frank H. Mackey • Ralph Mackey, Jr. • Wesley D. Mackey • Ogden Reed Macomber • Arthur W. MacPhee, Jr. • C. William MacPhee • Kenneth A. MacPhee • John MacWaters • Edward Madley • John E. Madley • William M. Madley • Otto Madsen • * James Maloney • Joseph M. Maloney • O. L. Maloni • Vincent Malro • George L. Malsbury • William P. Malsbury, Jr. • Floyd W. Manchester • Richard H. Mandel • Vincent R. Mangia • A. F. Mann • Robert Johnston Mann • James Manna • John Manna • Joseph Manna • Ralph Manna • Theodore Manna • Maurice J. Manning, Jr. • Louis A. Mannion • Frank Manupelli • Andrew J. Marchiano • Anjelo J. Marchiano • Harry F. Marchiano • David Marcus • Jack Mark • Mitchel Mark • John R. Martabano • Frank V. Martinez • Joseph C. Martinez • Manuel S. Martinez • Peter Marshall • Edward M. Marwell • Gerald F. Maslen • Dominick Massi • Reginald Massie, Jr. • * Ernest B. Mathews • Lester Mathews • * Frank Mauro • Vincent Mauro • Edward H. Mays • Roy Mead • John Paulding Meade • Richard W. Meade, 5th • John Meinke • Amerigo A. Meloni • Dominick L. Meloni • Thomas J. Meloni • Florentino Mercaldo • Robert K. Mercer • Lloyd M. Meres, Jr. • John S. Merritt • Anthony Messina • Salvatore Messina, Jr. • Albert M. Meyer • Eugene Meyer, 3rd • Benjamin A. Miller • Burton H. Miller • F. Herbert Miller • Fred P. Miller • George E. Miller • Richard L. Miller • Sadie Miller • Kathryn Millmore • Edward J. Mills • John Mimnaugh • Frank P. Mitchell, Jr. • Norton Mockridge • Joseph N. Monteleone • Ralph Monteleone • Samuel Monteleone • Benny Mongiardini • Thomas Montgomery • Frank L. Moore • George D. Moore • John P. Moran • William J. Moran • John Moreau • Benjamin W. Morris, Jr. • John Moscoe • Benjamin A. Moses • James Muir, Jr. • William Muir • David Muirhead • * Anthony J. Muldoon • Arthur M. Muldoon • John J. Muldoon • Basil F. Mulley • John Benson Mulley • Robert H. Mulley • George C. Mulligan • Manuel Muniz • Joseph F. Munson • Willis Munson • Daniel J. Murphy • Edward A. Murphy • Harry J. Murphy • James Murphy • John A. Murphy • John Francis Murphy • Michael J. Murphy • William H. Murphy • Stanley E. Meyers • Arnold Nappi • Dominick Nappi • * Frank S. Nappi • * Frank Nellis • * William Nelson • Andrew D. Newswander • Fred’k A. Newswander • Melton David Niss • Alfred Nonnemacher • Edwin T. Nyblom • Clarence O’Brien • Eugene O’Brien • Harold O’Brien • Hugh P. O’Brien • Matthew H. O’Brien • Raymond F. O’Brien, Sr. • Thomas A. O’Brien • Wm. Gerald O’Brien • Anthony M. O’Connor • Joseph J. O’Connor • Robert B. O’Connor, Jr. • Thomas J. O’Connor • William O’Dell • Jack O’Leary • Edward Olim • Harold Olivett • Otto J. Olson • Percy C. Omme • Charles O’Neil • John J. O’Neil, Jr. • Alexander C. Opoulos • Douglas Orbison • Tucker Orbison • Nicholas Orlando • William R. Orr • Joseph Carey Ostoic • Van Ness Owen, Jr. • Boris Oxman • Antonio J. Paci • John Paci • Joseph Paci • Rosario Paci • J. A. Pagan • Joseph N. Pagano • James K. Page • Joseph Palmiatti • John R. Pandolfo • Robert Pangburn • Helen Park • Flavel Hugh Parker • John E. Parker • Charles M. Parsons • Joseph W. Parsons • Ira Charles Partelow • Malcolm A. Partelow • Russell Partelow • Albert Partelow • Anthony J. Pasquale • August Pasquale, 3rd • Augustine J. Pasquale • Augustine P. Pasquale • Dominick Pasquale • Frederick Pasquale • James A. Pasquale • John F. Pasquale • Joseph J. Pasquale • Nick J. Pasquale • Salvatore Pasquale, Jr. • Victor Pasquale • Michael Paulli • Norman A. Pecor • David Pentland • Donald B. Percy • Scot Perri • Clifton Perry • William Peterson • Carl S. Petrasch Jr. • Joseph Petrini • Thomas M. Phillips • Albert P. Piazza • Joseph J. Piazza • Michael J. Piazza • Egnazio Pieragostino • C. Homer Piersall • Dominick Pietrobono • Galieno Pietrobono • Guido Pietrobono • Harry Pike • Charles Pinkerton, Jr. • Angelo S. Pirozzi • Patsy Pirozzi • Rocco Pirozzi • Francis Pitrello, Jr. • James Pitrello • Patsy Pitrello • Rosario J. Pitrulle • Salvatore Pitrulle • Warren D. Pitts • John J. Placona • Gustave J. Planet, Jr. • Geoffrey Platt • Gerald Plonquet • Charles J. Plume, Jr. • Leon Podkaminer • Philip Podkaminer • Frank J. Policaro • Joseph Policaro • Charles W. Pope • Adolph Poseneker • Eugene Powell • Ralph E. Powers • Lewis T. Preston • Charles A. Price • Norman A. Prichard • David Pritchard, Jr. • Richard S. Pritchard • Archemedes G. Proietti • Edmundo R. Proietti • Joseph Proietti • George Provataris • John Raei • Leroy G. Rainhart • Edward L. Ralston, Jr. • Thomas M. Ranger • Frank D. Ranieri • George Ranieri • Salvatore Ranieri • Raymond Rasmussen • J. Russell Rawlings • Anthony C. Rea • John F. Reed • William Reed, Jr. • Haigh Reiniger • William H. Reiss • Michael Retting • A. William Revell • Andrew Revella • Everett J. Reynolds • Harry H. Reynolds • Millard Lee Reynolds • Millard V. Reynolds • Richard F. Reynolds • William H. Reynolds • Harold K. Richardson • Lester W. Richardson • Henry A. Rickes • Francis Rickey • Roland Rieck • * Angelo Rizzutti • Lawrence Rizzutti • Leslie R. Robertson • Arthur B. Robinson • Frank W. Robinson • David Roche • James Rockwood • Thomas Rodd, 3rd • Carl W. Roessell • Richard Rodgers • Edward Rogers • Edwin L. Roman • George H. Roman • Benedict Rosaforte • Joseph Rosaforte • Salvadore Rosaforte, Jr. • Salvatore Rosaforte • Vincent L. Rosaforte • Harry G. Roscoe • Abel L. Rosen • George J. Rosen • George M. Rosen • Saul B. Rosen • Harold Rosenfeld • Harold Wm. Ross, Jr. • Daniel Joseph Rossi • Charles Roth • Antonio Rotondo • Leonard Ruggerio • Arthur H. Runk • Louis J. Ruocco • Paul A. Ruocco • Raymond J. Ruocco • Gerald J. Ruppert • Robert H. Rusher • George J. Ruthven • Harold Ryder • Anthony J. Salvati • Augustine J. Salvati • Joseph J. Salvati • Reynaldo Salvati • Edward T. Salvato • * Russell Sama • Salvatore L. Sama • Enrico M. Sammarco • George W. Sanderson • Francis C. Sarles • * George A. Sarles • Augustine Scala • Louis Scala • Luke Scala • Thomas G. Scala • Angelo F. Scandozza • John C. Scandozza • Thomas Scandozza • John Jay Schieffelin • Frank Schiff • * Terry Schiff • William Schiff, Sr. • William Schiff, Jr. • Kenneth M. Schiffer • Herbert Schildt • Ernest Schiwek • Edwin F. Schmelter • George P. Schneider • John A. Schneider • Walter Schneider • Frank D. Scott • Jane Secor • Jay Frank Secor • John W. Secor, Jr. • Clifford See • Edward Charles See • John C. See • John Semple • Dante D. Semproni • Joseph Serantes • Anthony M. Setapen • Fred Albert Setapen • Henry Several • Ferdinand Severini • Valentino Severini • Angelo Sgrulletta • Secondo Sgrulletta • Robert T. Shea • Cornelius Sheehan • Gerald F. Sheehan • * James Sheridan • John A. Sherman • Everett R. Sherwin • Mervin V. Sheu • Hugh C. Shields • George Wm. Shook, Jr. • John F. Shook • Fred E. Shulman • Phillip Sidoti • Eusebio Siejo • John G. Silkman • Earl Silvernail • Maurice L. Simon • Samuel Simon • Edwin Simpson • Harold A. Simpson • Sylvester V. Sineri • John C. Singleton • Julian W. Slade • Charles L. Slawson • Harvey Slawson • Gabriel Smilkstein • Isadore J. Smilkstein • Reuben Smilkstein • Albert C. Smith, Jr. • Eugene A. Smith • Francis C. Smith • George T. Smith • Pauline E. Smith • Ralph B. Smith • Robert Smith • Walter Edward Smith • William P. Smith • Joseph B. Sobral • Russ’ L. Soderstrom, Jr. • Mitchell M. Spiegel • Franklin C. Spies • Henry A. Spies • J. F. Spratt • Tony J. Sroka • Edward H. Stanton • Rowland Stebbins, Jr. • John Donald Steele • William Steele, Jr. • Arthur Sterling • Walter J. Sterling • Stanley J. Stevens • James Stillman • Richard Stockholm • Clifford Stockwell, Jr. • Milford Stonley • * Harold Stonsby • Charles Stoorza • Edward T. Stoorza • Joseph R. Stoorza • Richard Stoorza • David Storm • Frank James Strang • Benjamin Strong, Jr. • * Michael F. Stufano • James J. Sullivan • William J. Surman • Ira P. Swafford • Alfred G. Swanson • Joseph W. Swindell • Frank Swistowich, Jr. • James M. Tait • John Tarchine • Ralph Tarchine • Daniel Tarrant • Donald Taylor • James E. Taylor • John Taylor • * Warren Taylor • George A. Teed, Jr. • Henry J. Tenace • Edward T. Terlizzi • Robert S. Terris • Gilbert Terwilliger • Frank Terzigni • Lewis A. Thrasher • Willard R. Ticknor, Jr. • * Bernard K. Timm • George P. Timmerman • Ronald S. Tompkins • Richard T. Torrise • James C. Towey • Richard A. Tramontona • Charles R. Trembone • James Trembone • Granger Tripp, Jr. • Carll Tucker, Jr. • Anthony Turiano • Spotswood W. Turpin • John M. Turturro • Herman L. Turns • Theodore T. Warog • John T. Unden • Clarence C. Urso • Clarence F. Urso • Robert M. Vallance • Theodore Vallianos • * A. Van Cortlandt, 3rd • George Nan Marter, Sr. • Donald T. Van Tassell • Robert Van Tassell, Jr. • * Bonaventure Veltri • Benjamin Venuti • Francis T. Verran • Frank F. Verran • Louis Verlamgieri • John E. Vidalis • Albert P. Vieira • Antonio Vittorini • Nannino Vittorini • Russell Vollmers • John E. Wadsworth • Eleanor C. Walker • Joseph Walker, Jr. • Peter C. Walker • William B. Walker • Wilfred Wallace • John Ward • Felix Ware • Benjamin T. Warner • Frank P. Waters • * James F. Waters • Lillian M. Waterbury • Wallace A. Waterbury • Douglas E. Watson • Leopold Weidt • James M. Weiss • Martin M. Weinstein • Adolph Wenke • Ted Werner • Edward C. Wesley • Frank J. Wesley, Jr. • Hiram Weston • Morgan Dix Wheelock • Clifton B. White, Jr. • Pholip R. White • Joseph C. Wilberding • Daniel A. Wilcox • Din R. Wildfoerster • Douglas B. Wildfoerster • Victor N. Wildfoerster • * Alfred J. Wilhelm • Albert Williams • David C. Williams • James H. Williams • Robert H. Williams • James Wilson • William Wilson • Phillip U. Wirta • Frank J. Wood • James J. Wood • Daniel Woods • Leroy F. Woodward, Jr. • William J. Worden, Jr. • John Woyden • Joseph Wright • Peter Yager • William F. Yerkes • Ferdinand Yontis • Frank Yontis • Amerigo A. Zaccari • Julius Zigler • Dermerto Zucco • Socrates Semproni

Merchant Marines

Jay Barrows • Mathew Joseph Brooks • * Michael Buck • Arthur Cascioli • Richard Forrest • John Thomas Fox • Emerson W. Heuss • Edna. Johnston • Alvin E. Kirstead • Keeler Nash • John R. Stoorza • S. Gilbert Tocher

World War I Plaque [ right side ]

1917 – 1918

The Village of Mount Kisco

Honors the Men From This Locality

Who Served In the Armed Forces of the United States During

The World War

Howard C. Loucks • Lea Shippen Luquer • Thomas Lyons • Frank R. Mackay • Hector MacMillan • Thomas Mahon • Frank R. Mallett • William Eugene Malone • Giacinto Manna • Joseph Anthony Manning • Maurice J. Manning • Patrick M. Manning • Vito Marrigliano • Joseph Marshall • Martin Marshall • Francesco Mascaro • Antonio Mattoni • John Mazzola • William McAvoy • Edwin W. McCall • Harry L. McCall • Jeremiah McCarthy • Matthew G. McCollom • Patrick McGovern • Hugh McGuire • William McManus • Samuel McRoberts • Harry Edward McTavey • Edwin Charles mead • * LeRoy S. Mead • George h. miller • * Phillip O. Mills • Harold Minott • Francis Mitchell • Gilbert C. Molleson • Oliver Moody • Henry Carey Morgan • William R. Moser • William Hall Mount • Oliver Lawrence Mulley • Spencer Hayman Mulley • Alonzo Murphy • Gordon C. Nash • Albert F. Newswander • Frederick A. Newswander • Paul Nicotino • William Nish, Jr. • Giovanbattista Nobile • Walter G. Nord • Henry Max Norton • Alfred Odell • Harry Odell • Thomas J. O’Grady • Edward Olim • Mckinley Osterhoudt • George F. Owen, Jr. • Arthur James Page • Nicholas Palmero • Fillippo Paliotti • Frank Partridge • Augustine Pasquale, Jr. • Nicola Pasquale • Domenico Passarelli • Paolo Paulli • Clarence M. Peterson • Thomas Peterson • Howard Phillips • Antonio Piazza • Charles Homer Piersall • Guiseppe Piscitelli • Alvah Richard Platt • Gioso Polizzotto • LeRoy Potter • Walter W. Potter • Frank Powers • Lewis Butler Preston • John J. Price • Erving Pruyn • Robert D. Pruyn • Howard Reynolds Pugh • Bernard J. Reidy • Leon Rettenberg • Carlyle E. Reynolds • John V. Reynolds • * Ralph Reynolds • Walter Reynolds • Alfonso Ricciardi • Luigi Ricci • Harvey Roberts • William L. Rockett • Edward H. Rodgers, 3rd. • Sverre H. Rosdahl • John P. Ross • Costantino Rossi • Carl F. B. Roth • Frederick A. Russell • Richard Rutledge • Rollin Sanford Saltus, Jr. • Eugene Sayre • Luigi Scala • * Pietro Scala • Joseph Schafer • John Schneider, Jr. • Lewis Schuman • Percival Lorenzo Scott • Francis E. Seabury, Jr. • George H. Searles • Edwin G. Seiffert • Lorenzo Semple, Jr. • Frank Seuracchio • Ernesto Severino • Joseph O. Sewell • John O. Shea • Cornelius Sheehan • Clark See Shellhouse • John Shellhouse • George M. Sidenberg, Jr. • Frederick C. Siggelkow • John Siggelkow • John Q. Simonson • Albert E. Simpson • Thomas Skiff • Theodore C. Slosson • Albert Charles Smith • John W. Smith • Louis J. Smith • Melvin C. Smith • Stanley S. Smith • William Smith • William L. Smith • Pietro C. Solinas • Arthur C. Spenceley • Arthur John Spies • Walter Loh Steiner • Alonzo J. Stewart • William R. Stewart • Milton B. Streator • David Stuart • * Herbert Swart • * Moses Taylor, Jr. • Reginald B. Taylor • Alpheus Charles Thomas • Melville W. Thompson • William Green Thorn • Willard Russell Ticknor • Chester Tompkins • Miles Towey • Granger Tripp • Archie Arthur Turrell • Garry Vandemark • Christopher G. Walker • Joseph Walsh • Vincent R. Walsh • Frank B. Walworth • Thomas J. Ward • J. Alton Waterbury • Boss Watkins • John H. Watkins • Frank J. Wesley, Jr. • Henry J. Whitehouse • Ewald E. Wildfoerster • Victor H. Wildfoerster • John S. Wiltse • Ralph A. Wiltse • Marvin R. Wood • * Frank Yazzo • Frencesco Zaccari • Vincenzo Zaccari

Vietnam War Plaque [ far right panel ]

1961 – 1975

The Village of Mount Kisco


The Men and Women

Of This Community

Who Served In

The United States

Armed Forces

During The

Vietnam War

Marker is at the intersection of North Bedford Road (New York Route 117) and East Main Street (New York Route 133), on the left when traveling north on North Bedford Road.


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