Mt. Nebo Cemetery

In use since the 1940s, this cemetery is the oldest stand-alone Jewish cemetery in Dade County. Among its thousands of gravesites are those Morris Cooper, founder of Cooper City; Meyer Lansky, a known member of organized crime; and Isidor Cohen, recognized as the first permanent Jewish resident of Miami.

Isidor Cohen was one of the earliest settlers in Miami, the first permanent Jewish settler, and a signatory to the city's charter. Born in Russia in 1870, Cohen emigrated to New York with his family in 1883. Eight years later he moved to Savannah, Georgia, where he worked as a store clerk and became a U.S. citizen. In 1896 he moved to Miami where he opened a dry goods store. Cohen battled a freeze in 1895, a fire in 1896 that wiped out his entire stock, and a siege of yellow fever in 1899. By Cohen's account, only three Jews resided in Miami in 1900, including himself and Jacob and Ida Schneidman. The other early arrivals had fled to safer places. In 1905 Cohen married the widowed Ida Schneidman.

He organized the Merchants Association of Miami and was its president from 1902 to 1906. He also served as president of the Dade County Fair Association in 1908 and president of the Miami Board of Trade in 1912. In 1921, Cohen was elected to the city's 15-member board that wrote the Miami City Charter. Cohen was one of the organizers of B'nai Zion Congregation (later called Beth David) founded in 1912 as the first Jewish congregation in Miami. Isidor Cohen died in 1951.

Information courtesy of Florida Division of Historical Resources, a division of Florida Department of State.