Narrows Overlook – Fort Hamilton

Revolutionary War Heritage Trail

In the summer of 1776, American lookouts watched a British fleet massing in the Narrows from this point. Over two hundred ships and thirty thousand men, under the command of General William Howe and his brother, Admiral Lord Richard Howe were set to invade Long Island. Their objective was to seize the City of New York as the first step toward the restoration of British authority in America.

On August 22, 1776, British troops came ashore at Gravesend Bay, near Denyse’s Ferry in New Utrecht. The outnumbered Americans offered little or no resistance.

Five days later, on August 27, the Battle of Brooklyn began. After the battle, the victorious British restored a small redoubt near this site and manned it until 1783. The American army replaced the redoubt with Fort Lewis, and later with Fort Hamilton, which was completed in 1831.

The main image above, titled An original sketch by an English officer on board Adml. Howe’s Fleet, depicts the British ships massing in the Narrows.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Sheridan Loop and Sterling Drive, on the right when traveling east.


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