National Historic Landmark - Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

Puget Sound Naval Shipyard was the principal repair establishment for the U.S. Navy's battle-damaged battleships and aircraft carriers, as well as smaller warships, of the Pacific Fleet during World War II. Five of the eight battleships bombed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, were repaired at the shipyard and returned to duty. During the war, the shipyard repaired 26 battleships (some more than once), 18 aircraft carriers, 13 cruisers, and 79 destroyers; in addition, 50 ships were built or fitted out at the yard. More than 30,000 workers built, fitted out, repaired, overhauled or modernized nearly 400 fighting ships here between 1941 and 1945.

Credits and Sources:

Information courtesy of the National Park Service.

Images: Source, Public Domain.

National Historic Landmark - Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

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