National Historic Landmark-Rokeby

National Historical Landmarks-Rokeby

Rokeby, a Robinson family farmstead for four generations, is significant for its role in the Underground Railroad. Rare surviving documentation that the Robinson family kept attests to its use as a stop, and provides accurate insights into an understandably shadowy segment of American history.

In 1851, one former slave who escaped to Canada wrote that he was:

at work at my trade getting a living looking through the glasses you gave me for which I never shall forget to be thankful. I think that I shall soon be able to send for my family if I conclude to stay here.

Of all the known Underground Railroad sites, Rokeby is unrivalled in its historical integrity, and in the poignancy of the stories its documents tell. It is open to the public as a museum.

Courtesy National Park Service National Historical Landmarks

Photo mfwills wikimedia commons
