Navy Gun Car

Mounting 14" - 50 Caliber Naval Gun

One of the

United States Naval Railway Batteries

Designed, constructed and shipped abroad

by the

Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department

Placed in operation in France


Manned by naval personnel

Under the command of

Rear Admiral C.P. Plunkett, U.S.N.


Designs were started

December 26, 1917

Finished January 25, 1918

Construction commenced February 13, 1918

Completed April 26, 1818

Tested April 30, 1918

Shipped abroad June 1918

Re-erected in France July-August 1818

Started for the battle front from St. Nazaire, Fr.

on August 17, 1918

234 days from the date of first designs

This gun fired 236 - 1400 pound

Navy shells against the Germans


The U.S. Naval railway batteries traveled

the length of France, firing: -

From: Soissons -- Upon: Laon

From: Rethondes -- Upon: Tergnier

From: Fontenoy-Ambleny -- Upon: Besny-Loisy

From: Flavy-Le-Martel -- Upon: Mortiers

From: Charney -- Upon: Remoiville, Montmedy, Louppy

From: Thierville -- Upon: Longuyon, Mangiennes

Maximum Range Used - 42,500 yards, 24.2 miles

Marker is on Sicard Street SE, on the left when traveling west.


Credits and Sources: