Nelson County World War II Memorial

In memory of the men of Nelson County who lost their lives in World War II 1941 - 1945

George David Akers •

Richmond Oliver Allen •

Harry Philmore Anderson •

Samuel Harvey Anderson •

Garland Golden Ashley •

Cyrus Edison Banton •

James Houston Bethel, Jr. •

Raymond Wilson Branch •

Cecil Edward Brown •

Ammon Russell Bryant •

Benny Grayson Bryant •

Hawsie Daniel Bryant •

Clarence Harvey Campbell •

Harry Wilson Campbell •

Russell Sam Carey •

James Wyart Carter •

Raymond Delmore Carver •

Henry Vernon Cash •

Floyd Andrew Caul •

Emmet Cabell Christian, Jr. •

Carlton Hubbard Cook •

Oscar Wilson Cook •

Charles Caroll Drumheller •

Alvin Hall Evans •

Thurman Albert Farris •

Luther Irving Ferguson •

Jack Lee Forbes •

Thomas Welch Fortune •

James Austin Glass •

Charles Woodrow Goodwin •

Millard Preston Hall •

Stockdon Harris •

Paul Merton Horsley •

Herbert Higginbotham Hughes •

Lucian Dennett Hughes, Jr. •

James Pershing Jordon •

Thomas Wesley Kent, Jr. •

James Thomas Matthews •

Robert Lemon Miller •

Roy Goldman Moore •

James Madison Perry •

Eugene McLane Phillips •

William Judson Phillips •

Thomas Edward Powell •

Elwood Chester Quick •

George Elliott Quick •

Thomas Henry Simpson •

Fred Franklin Small •

James Kenneth Spencer •

Jesse Maury Sprouse, Jr. •

Harry Edward Thomas •

Ralph McIntire Thompson •

John Vaughan •

Alfred Lewis Wallace •

Claude Mason Ward •

Robert Alonza Wills •

Thomas Austin Withers, Jr. •

John Courtland Lewis

Marker is on Court Street (Virginia Route 1001) near Main Street.


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