Nevada County War & Veterans Memorial

Memorial Grove

Memorial Grove

This plot of land set aside by the City of Nevada. These trees living tributes to our war dead.

This plaque and flagpole erected by the citizens of Nevada City dedicated July 4, 1946 to the memory of our heroes who gave their lives in World War II so that the American way of life may continue.

Caswell Fisher • Tevis Ferguson • Merton Downey • Bert Graham • Hans G. Hansen • William R. Livesay • David McCraney • Louis G. Netz • James M. Odegaard • Fred Gohm • Clifford M. Ruth • Virgil Roseborough • Eugene Rickard • Robert D. Proctor • Glen Ponticelli • William Pohley • Eugene Davies • Walter O. St. John • Reid Shurtleff • Albert Conti • Carl L. Tobiassen • Ernest Chapman • Gus Wasley • Donald Usrey • William G. Bennett


June 25, 1950 – July 27, 1953

"The Forgotten War"

- Remembered -

Let us not forget those Americans who served, those that died and those that still remain on that foreign soil in defense of freedom, as a result of that war.

54,246 Americans were killed

8,177 Americans are missing in action

389 Americans are prisoners of war

Dedicated to the memory on this 27th day of July, 1990 – By Banner Mountain Post No. 2655

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States of America


All Gave Some – Some Gave All

If you are able, save for them a place inside of you and save one backward glance when you are leaving for the places they can no longer go. Be not ashamed to say you loved them, though you may or may not have always. Take what they have left and what they have taught you with their dying and keep it with your own. And in the time when men decide and feel safe to call the war insane, take one moment to embrace those gentle heroes you left behind.

- Major Michael Davis O’Donnell

January 1, 1970 – Dak To, Vietnam

Note: Major O’Donnell was a helicopter pilot. On 24 March 1970, while attempting to rescue eight soldiers, his chopper was shot down. He and three crew members were declared missing in action.

This memorial plaque is dedicated as a

tribute to those who served and fought

in the Vietnam War, especially those

who died, and those yet to return.

May 30, 1992 – V.F.W. Post 2655

War on Terror

We Will Not Forget

In honor of the Men and Women who have served and will serve in the ongoing Global War on Terror, and to those Valiant Few who have given their lives, therein…

We, the citizens of Nevada County, dedicated this Memorial.

Memorial Day

May 28, 2007

L/CPL Adam Strain, 20 • L/CPL John “J.T.” Lucente, 19 • 1ST LT. Nathan Krissoff, 25 • CPL Sean Stokes, 24

Marker is on Nimrod Street, on the left when traveling south.


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