New Britain Spanish-American War Memorial

[ panel 1 ]

In Memoriam

Not a war for conquest or

military glory, but a righte

ous war fought by American vol

unteers to succor the weak and

oppressed against foreign tyr

anny and to give to Cuba and

the Philippines a place among

the free peoples of the earth

1898     1902

Spanish American War

[ panel 2 ]

Rough Riders Attacking San Juan Hill

[ panel 3 ]

New Britain volunteers in the Spanish American War

Philippine Insurrection and China Relief Expedition

April 21, 1898 to July 4, 1902

Abetz William • Abrahamson John W. • Adolphson Charles D. • Anderson August • Anderson Charles • Andersonch A. • Anderson Charles Albin • Anderson Charles F. • Bacon Lewis F. • Barnes Eugene F. • Barnes George W. • Barnes William H. • Beaune Edward P. • Beckett William H. • Beh Frederick G. • Belden Walter S. • Birmingham Austin A. • Blakesley Charles P. • Bloom Emil G. • Boquist Martin • Bower Clarence A. • Boyle Thomas J. • Brague Louis J. • Bresnahan Thomas • Broadbent Jesse J. • Brown Frank • Bullen William W. • Burns James J. • Burns John F. • Callahan Daniel • Callender Edward J. • Canfield Charles J. • Cannell Richard • Carlson Carl F. • Carlson David • Carlson Gusiaf A. • Carlson Jacob • Carlson John J. • Carlson Victor • Carroll Dennis A. • Cassidy Francis A. • Chapman Lorenzo B. • Charlow Charles • Cheney George Y. C. • Chichester Burton J. • Chute William F. • Clark Alpha A. • Clark Claude D. • Clark Frank D. • Clark Menires A. • Coffey James F. • Coleman Michael • Conley Eugene • Conlin Martin • Connahan Daniel J. • Connoley James F. • Cooney John J. • Corbell Edward J. • Cornell Cornelius • Cosgrove James J. • Coller John F. • Cowler John H. • Crowe Luke • Crowe Luke J. • Crowe Matthew • Crowe Patrick • Curtis Edwin S. • Damon Harry • Davis Samuel • Denn William • Devin Patrick • Doughly Alonzo • Dunbar John A.

[ panel 4 ]

New Britain volunteers in the Spanish American War

Philippine Insurrection and China Relief Expedition

April 21, 1898 to July 4, 1902

Dyson Willard J. • Dyson William • Eades John A. • Eagan Thomas F. • Egan Edward F. • English Charles R. • Evans Frederick • Fagan Franklin R. • Fagan Thomas P. • Finance Paul C. • Finley George L. • Fincchiette Nicholas • Foley Thomas • Fox Ernest • Frawley James • Freese Ernest W. • Fritz George J. • Fritz Jacob • Genter Charles • Gifford George B. • Gilligan William P. • Goodwin Frank D. • Graham John F. • Greenwood James P. • Griffin Maurice D. • Griswold Alfred H. • Gunther Rudolph J. • Gustavson Frederick • Hadsell Arthur • Hall William C. • Halden Andrew • Hauerwas Abraham L • Hawthorn Walter B. • Hebb Morris • Helm Frank C. • Herraslip Fred • Hesse Albert W. • Higgins Michael J. • Higgins Peter J. • Hills Ike T. • Hilterand Frederick W. • Hoffman George • Holden Benedict M. • Hotchkiss, Charles B. • Hultsen Emil • Johnson Charles • Johnson Charles C. • Johnson Edward D. • Johnson Theodore • Jubb James • Kagel Albert • Kalick Micke • Kane Cornelius • Keegan Allan M. • Keith James D. • Kellerman Emil • Kelley Thomas • Kelliher Simon J. • Kennedy George P. • Kennedy John F. • Kienell Fred • Kierman William • Kindilan Edward • King Charles F. • Koor Ernest H. • Kumm Louis A. • Lacey Thomas M. • Larson Axel • Larson Charles O. • Larson Gustaf • Larson John

[ panel 5 ]

plaque is missing

[ panel 6 ]

Spanish War Veterans

1898 - 1902




Puerto Rico

[ panel 7 ]

New Britain volunteers in the Spanish American War

Philippine Insurrection and China Relief Expedition

April 21, 1898 to July 4, 1902

Prevost Charles F. • Prior Andrew • Rawlings William J. • Reed William W. • Reeve William R. • Rehm William F. • Rice William J. • Richter Gunther • Riley James • Riley Patrick J. • Robinson Henry J. • Roper Thomas J. • Russell Frank E. • Ryan Thomas J. • Ryberg Gottfried • Ryquist Per J. • Sakelsky Mike • Samlow William F. • Samuelson Axel E. • Scanlon Michael J. • Schell Reinhold • Shiller James • Schmidt William J. • Schofield William T. • Schutz Louis V. • Schwab William • Shea John F. • Shea John J. • Sheehan John J. • Sheehy Edward J. • Shine Cornelius M. • Shine P. Sarsfield • Slaney Oliver H. • Smith Charles H. • Smith Frank L. • Smith Fred B. • Smith Harry E. • Smith Hinman L. • Sperl Alolph A. • Sperry Eugene • Spindler Philip • Sproch Andro • Stanton Daniel H. • Staubley George L. • Stayna Michael • Steele Wilbur J. • Stevens John E. • Stevens Willard H. • Storey Peter • Strickland George N. • Strong Perry • Sullivan John • Sullivan John R. • Thorngren Carl E. • Tobin Thomas R. • Towers Samuel E. • Traut Frederick A. • Tryon George W. • Urban Rudolph • Veinovitch Aimen • Wadsworth Arthur • Walsh Michael • Walsh William • Wells Edwin • Westover Frederick H. • Wetherell Joseph A. • Wilcox Arthur H. • Williams Elmer H. • Wondruska Frank • Woods John E. • Wyman Chester L. • Young Myron A. • Young William T.

[ panel 8 ]

Wreckage of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor

[ inscribed around the column ]

China • Cuba • Puerto Rico • Philippine Islands

Marker is at the intersection of South Main Street and Veterans Drive, on the right when traveling south on South Main Street.


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