New Britain Vietnam Veterans Memorial

In Memory Of The

Vietnam Veterans

From New Britain

Who Lost Their Lives

In Vietnam

Pedro O. Cancel PFC. • Richard E. Chabot L/Cpl • Richard W. Roy Sp4

Michael Smith L/Cpl • Paul Thorik Jr. Cpl • Stanley J. Ciesielski Sp4 • Francisco Gregory L/Cpl • Richard Gilbreath HN3 • Richard D. Lemay Maj • Walter E. Bentley Cpl • John D. Whorf Spec 4 • Joseph E. Lavigne PFC • John M. Grasso Jr. L/Cpl • Robert L. Mlynarski 2nd/Lt • Thomas S. Richards L/Cpl • Richard R. Stolarun L/Cpl • Daniel Varela PFC • Lawrence J. Pelletier PFC • Lawrence Remuth PFC • Richard C. Tessman SA • Charles F. Kuhlman Naj • Floyd M. Horton Sgt • James E. Mann Capt • Leon Sears PFC

Marker can be reached from the intersection of John Karbonic Way and South Main Street, on the right when traveling west.


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