New Hope Baptist Church


This church, established in 1804, grew out of Padgett's Creek Baptist Church, mother church to several area Baptist congregations. Rev. Spencer Bobo (d.1816), a member there, was given permission to take "as many members as he thinks fit" and organize a new church. Bobo chose a site W of present-day Cross Anchor, near his home, deeding 7 acres for a sanctuary and cemetery.


The first church was a log building known as "Bobo's Meeting House." Bobo and Rev. Nathan Langston (1762-1834) preached there until Bobo's death in 1816 and Langston preached there until 1832. The congregation, renamed New Hope Baptist in 1809, built this frame sanctuary in 1924-26. It was covered in brick veneer in 1961.

Marker is at the intersection of Burnt Factory Road (State Highway 56) and Wilson Road (State Road 42-1147), on the right when traveling north on Burnt Factory Road.


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