Newark Covenant

This tablet is to commemorate the sacrifice, privation and fortitude of the pioneers who laid the foundation of the industrial, artistic, educational and religious life of Newark, and who entered into a covenant to that end.

Signers of the Covenant

From Milford, Guilford and New Haven

Robert Treat • Thomas Johnson • Obadiah Bruen • John Curtis • Matthew Campfield • Ephraim Burwell • Samuel Kitchell • Robert R.. Denison   X   his mark • Jeremiah Peck • Nathaniel Wheeler • Micah Tompkins • Zachariah Burwell • Stephen Freeman • William Camp • Henry Lyon • Hauns Albers • John Browne • Thomas Morris • John Rogers • Hugh Roberts • Stephen Davis • Eph’m Pennington • Edward Rigs • Martin Tichenor • Robert Kitchell • John Browne, Jr. • J. B. Brook   X   his mark • Jona Seargeant • Robert V. Lymens   X   his mark • Azariah Crane • Francis Linle   X   his mark • Samuel Lyon • Daniel Tichenor • Joseph Walters • John Bauldwin Sr. • Robert Dalglesh • John Bauldwin Jr. • Joseph Riggs • Jona Tompkins • Stephen Bond • George Day

From Branford

Jasper Crane • John Ward • Abra Pierson • John Catling • Samuel Swaine • Richard Harrison • Laurence Ward • John Johnson • Thomas Blatchly • Thomas J. Lyon   X   his mark • Samuel Plum • Ebenezer Canfield • Delivered Crane • John Ward, Sr. • Aaron Blatchky • Ed. Ball • Richard Laurence • John Harrison • Josiah Ward • John Crane • Samuel Rose • Thomas Huntington • Thomas Pierson


Placed by the pupils of the Newark Public Schools under the auspices of the Schoolmen’s Club,

Newark Day   November 5, 1928.

Marker is at the intersection of Broad Street and Branford Place, on the right when traveling north on Broad Street.


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