Newtown and Vicinity World War I Honor Roll


In honor of the young men of Newtown and vicinity who answered their country's call that international justice might prevail and the peace and liberty of free peoples be preserved

1917 World War 1918

*Morell Smith, Killed in Action

Raymond W. Atkinson • Harry E. Jones

Harry M. Bennett • Edward J. Kirkpatrick

Ashbel W. Brown • William Kirkpatrick

Elwood Brown • Thomas Lamb

C. Harry Bunting • C. Clifford Leland

George M. Bunting • Harry Leslie

Edward A. Burns, Jr. • John A. Maher

Thomas P. Burns • William S. Marshall

Stanley R. Byles • David P. Mason

Frank V. Carter • James D. Miller

Harry B. Carter • William A. Mottram

Raymond W. Carter • Frank W. McGowan

Frank L. Carver • Thomas McMichael

David T. Conard • Edward H. Parker

Harold H. Conrad • George A. Parker, Jr.

Horace H. Cornell • Benjamin T. Patterson

J. Aubrey Crewitt • George Poindexter

G. Earl DeCoursey • Clinton Powell

J. Herman DeCoursey • Albert T. Price

William H. Dillon • Charles G. Price

Leon S. Duckworth • H. Francis Raisner

Oscar W. Eckard • Maurice B. Reeder

Harrison S. Ettenger • Nicola Ricci

John Fitzpatrick • Russell Richardson

John Flack • Leland Robinson

William F. Flemming • Racey Robinson

Herman M. Frantz • Edward C. Rose

Ira W. Frantz • Morris Savidge

Harold Freeman • Harry Schalman

Lewis E. Freeman • Harry Schorsch

Sylvester D. Freeman • C. Rudolph Schorsch

Clarence Galloway • Frank R. Scott

Charles H. Goodnow • Frank Smith

Charles R. Gordon • Edward M. Tierney

Welford A. Gordon • Joseph B. Tomlinson

Clarence W. Gourley • Delbert Toombs

Harry W. Gourley • John H. Tranter

Earl W. Hagerman • C. Herbert Twining

Joseph V. Hagerman • Jesse Vanartsdalen

Cecil P. Harvey • Albert J. Vandegrift

Herbert H. Harvey • Edwin B. Walter

Frederick M. Hillborn • Stanley A. Watson

Charles E. Hofmeister • Joseph E. Webster

John J. Hofmeister • Henry Welling

Andrew Jackson • Walter E. Wood

Thomas J. Janney • Frank Worthington

John S. Wright • William Lambert

Marker is at the intersection of Congress Street and Centre Avenue, on the right when traveling south on Congress Street.


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