Norfolk Soldiers Monument

[ west face ]

To The Memory Of The

Soldiers From This Town

Who Died For Their Country

In The War Of The Rebellion

Adjt. Samuel C. Barnum   Died June 15, 1864.

Lieut. Hiram D. Gaylord   Nov. 18, 1863

Corp. Theodore S. Bates   Sept. 17, 1862.

Corp. Damon S. Pendleton   March 24, 1864.

Corp. George H. Pendleton   Oct. 11, 1864.

Schuyler B. Pendleton   Sept. 3, 1863.

Sherman A. Apley   June 1, 1864.

[ south face ]

George N. Andrus   Died June 22, 1864.

Albert H. Bailey   April 7, 1862.

George Barden   June 15, 1863.

Benjamin J. Beach   Sept. 17, 1862.

Christian Bejohnson   June 18, 1864.

Leander Campbell   June 3, 1864.

George W. Cobb   Oct. 23, 1862.

Michael Donahue   Dec. 13, 1864.

Willard Evans   Jan. 12, 1862.

[ east face ]

Edward J. Humphrey   Died April 22, 1862.

Edward Hine   July 18, 1864.

Charles E. Keyes   Dec. 22, 1862.

Elizur Maltbie   July 2, 1864.

Samuel J. Mills   Sept. 5, 1861

Russell A. Murphy   1864.

Theodore Parrett   Sept. 17, 1862

John W. Peck   Feb. 9, 1862

Ensign Prince.

[ north face ]

Joseph Robinson   Died Sept. 17, 1864.

Halsey Roberts   Feb. 6, 1862.

Timothy Ryan   Aug. 2, 1862.

Edward B. Sage   May 14, 1864.

John Suchrue   April 20, 1862.

Charles Spellman   May 25, 1862.

Francis Steck   1865.

Willis H. Tyrell   Aug. 25, 1863.

Auguste Didier.

Bouton E. Knapp.

Marker is at the intersection of Greenwoods Road East (U.S. 44) and Litchfield Road (Connecticut Route 272), on the left when traveling west on Greenwoods Road East.


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