North American F-86D Sabre

S/N 52-3669

The first operational F-86D entered USAF Squadron service in March of 1951, with McChord's 317th FIS, and the 465th FIS receiving their first aircraft in 1953. The 465th FIS was later redesignated as the 318th FIS on 18 August 1955 under “Project Arrow” an effort that returned squadrons back to their WWII wings and/or groups. During the early 1950's, F-86D's became the most prominent interceptor in the 25th AD arsenal, flying from five bases and fourteen squadrons. McChord based F-86D's flew with the 317th FIS (1953-1956), 318th FIS (1955-1957), and 465th FIS (1953-1955).

Proudly maintained by the McChord Air Museum

Marker can be reached from Colonel Joe Jackson Boulevard east of 6th Street SW, on the right when traveling east.


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